- 0
RNN based agent
#42 opened by tesla-cat - 2
Fail to run the demo
#41 opened by woshiqchi - 0
error with Function xx is currently not available
#40 opened by pbl357 - 0
- 1
Tensorflow 2.X issue
#38 opened by pokaxpoka - 0
Agents not training in final step
#37 opened by GJHall - 4
How to use the util file?
#36 opened by QwertyMaster00 - 2
Error in loading pre-trained models for minigames
#35 opened by XinyiYS - 2
Question about performance on BuildMarines
#34 opened by XinyiYS - 5
code error when running the test code
#27 opened by simayuhe - 6
I train under the ubuntu
#33 opened by songwaimai - 0
No way to save replays
#28 opened by Jboooyd - 1
Implementaion of transfomer into model
#31 opened by kimbring2 - 4
Restore previous experiment result issue
#32 opened by kimbring2 - 0
- 1
Dimension of screen feature
#30 opened by kimbring2 - 7
import reaver results in error
#24 opened by howardfk - 3
Issue running StarCraft II agent on CPU only setup
#23 opened by y1han - 5
Issue with running on google colab
#22 opened by jackylee1 - 1
How to watch full graphics replay
#21 opened by jaejaywoo - 7
Trouble with running PySC2
#20 opened by EmpereurCC - 4
Fix default logger
#18 opened by inoryy - 0
Separate std variable for continuous policies
#15 opened by inoryy - 5
Windows support (multiprocessing / shared memory)
#17 opened by inoryy - 11
Marine stuck in 'MoveToBeacon'
#16 opened by King-Of-Knights - 19
- 9
Is this a bug in
#14 opened by Ericonaldo - 1
Screen features KeyError
#6 opened by ai2010 - 0
Update code for newer dependencies
#8 opened by inoryy - 0
Simplify setup
#9 opened by inoryy - 0
Agent occasionally stops moving
#10 opened by inoryy - 2
Random seed setting
#13 opened by Taylor-Liu - 1
Parameter "--sz" function
#12 opened by Taylor-Liu - 2
question about sampling
#11 opened by Robotuks - 1
Some errors when running the code
#3 opened by woaipichuli - 0
Max pooling
#2 opened by inoryy - 1
Rewards clipping or scaling
#1 opened by inoryy - 1
- 1
CPU BiasOp only supports NHWC.
#4 opened by mushroom1116