
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Gatsby TypeScript Starter

Non-opinionated TypeScript starter for Gatsby
A TypeScript starter for Gatsby. No plugins and styling. Exactly the necessary to start.

PRs welcome! License Follow @jpedroschmitz
Created by João Pedro with the help of many wonderful contributors.


  • ⚡️ Gatsby 4
  • ⚛️ React 18
  • ⛑ TypeScript
  • 🐐 Tests — Jest and Testing Library out of the box
  • 📏 ESLint — To find and fix problems in your code
  • 💖 Prettier — Code Formatter for consistent style
  • 🐶 Husky — For running scripts before committing
  • 📄 Commitizen — To define a standard way of committing rules
  • 🚓 Commitlint — To make sure your commit messages follow the convention
  • 🖌 Renovate — To keep your dependencies up to date
  • 🚫 lint-staged — Run ESLint and Prettier against staged Git files
  • 👷 PR Workflow — Run Type Check & Linters on Pull Requests
  • ⚙️ EditorConfig - Consistent coding styles across editors and IDEs
  • 🗂 Path Mapping — Import components or images using the @ prefix

Quick Start

The best way to start with this template is using the Gatsby CLI.

npx gatsby new starter-ts https://github.com/jpedroschmitz/gatsby-starter-ts


To start the project locally, run:

yarn start

Open http://localhost:8000 with your browser to see the result.



  • Node.js >= 14.17
  • Yarn 1 (Classic)

Directory Structure

  • __helpers__ — Helpers files for testing configuration.
  • __mocks__ — Mocks for testing.
  • .github — GitHub configuration including the CI workflow.
  • .husky — Husky configuration and hooks.
  • src — Application source code, including pages, components, styles.


  • yarn start — Starts the application in development mode at http://localhost:8000.
  • yarn build — Compile your application and make it ready for deployment.
  • yarn serve — Serve the production build of your site
  • yarn clean — Wipe out the cache (.cache folder).
  • yarn type-check — Validate code using TypeScript compiler.
  • yarn lint — Runs ESLint for all files in the src directory.
  • yarn format — Runs Prettier for all files in the src directory.
  • yarn commit — Run commitizen. Alternative to git commit.
  • yarn test — Run tests.

Path Mapping

TypeScript are pre-configured with custom path mappings. To import components or files, use the @ prefix.

import { Button } from '@/components/Button';

// To import images or other files from the static folder
import avatar from '@/static/avatar.png';

Switch to npm

This starter uses Yarn 1 (Classic) by default, but this choice is yours. If you'd like to switch to npm, delete the yarn.lock file, install the dependencies with npm i, change the CI workflow, and Husky Git hooks to use npm commands.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for more information.