
Kitchen Sink of Inuit.CSS's UI components

Primary LanguageCSS


A list of Inuit.css component examples cobbled together from the css documention and inuit.css's JsFiddle examples. The page contains minimal styling so components are pretty much as is from the Inuit.css framework. Code is from the v5.1.0 branch used. View it online at http://terabytenz.github.io/inuit.css-kitchensink/.

How to install and run

  1. Run git clone --recursive https://github.com/terabytenz/inuit.css-kitchensink.git dir-name to check out the project and the Inuit.css submodule
  2. Windows folks, make sure you have Ruby installed
  3. Install Sass
  4. Install Node
  5. Install Docpad
  6. From the root directory
    1. Run npm install to install the required plugins
    2. Run docpad run to start the server
    3. If you need to edit the CSS run sass --watch src/files/css/style.scss:src/files/css/style.css --style expanded or run sass-watch.bat on Windows. I've had issues getting the Docpad Sass plugin to work hence why I'm using a separate command.
  7. Go to http://localhost:9778


The layout follows Docpad conventions.

  • out - generated static site
  • src - working files
    • documents - index.html.eco is the page's main content
    • files - static assets for the site
      • css
        • inuit.css - inuit.css submodule
        • ui
          • _demo.scss - demo specific styles
          • _vars.scss - inuit.css overrides
    • layouts - default.html.eco is the master template
    • partials - html segments inuit.css components.


New inuit.css partials require the following at the top of the file:

title: Object Name
is(Object|Base|Generic): true

Created by Pat O'Callaghan at Terabyte Interactive, Auckland, New Zealand.

Site generated using Docpad, Sass and Inuit.css (obviously!).