
🔺 Inovando's template for adonis

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Adonis API application

🔺 Inovando's template for adonis

code style: prettier Commitizen friendly

Package Main Techs


  1. Setup a PostgreSQL

  2. Modify .env fulfilling variables as needed

  3. Initialize your project with this command:

adonis new yardstick --blueprint=inovando/adonis-api-app
adonis migration:refresh --seed
  1. Run the following command:
adonis serve --dev
  1. Done 🎉


Local install

Follow this link


docker run --name some-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -p 5432:5432 -d postgres


Run the following command to run startup migrations.

adonis migration:run


Run the following command to run recreate the database and seed.

adonis migration:refresh --seed


  1. Download Postman

  2. Import our Postman Collection from postman/Template Adonis.postman_collection.json

Postman Collection | First Step Postman Collection | Second Step

  1. Import our Postman Environment from postman/Template Adonis.postman_environment.json

Postman Environment | First Step Postman Environment | Second Step Postman Environment | Second Step


  • Bodyparser
  • Authentication
  • CORS
  • Lucid ORM
  • Migrations and seeds
  • Abstração Controller/Repository
  • Bumblebee (include)
  • Enviar e-mails
  • Método para autenticar, resetar senha
  • Endpoints /me
  • Abstração de profiles
  • Upload de arquivos genérico
  • Sentry
  • Redis Cache
  • User and Profile Seeder
  • Commitizen Friendly