inovex Academy Training Setup Test

The purpose of this repository is to test your setup before you attend a developer training conducted by the inovex Academy.

Environment Setup

This repository is configured to work with Visual Studio Code and Development Containers.
Please make sure to have the following installed and configured:

For more information have a look at:

Test your Setup

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Start Visual Studio Code
  3. Use F1 to Show All Commands from Visual Studio Code and chose Dev Containers: Open Folder in Container
  4. Open the folder of the cloned repository
  5. Use F5 to run the application - Hello World! should be printed to the terminal
  6. Use F1 to Show All Commands from Visual Studio Code and chose View: Show Testing
  7. Run all unit tests - they should be green

If you have troubles don't hesitate to contact your trainer.