Small library for creating API endpoint calls and other fetch calls. This uses and extends it for redux consuption.
This is continuation of original project:
npm install rest-fetcher-redux --save
yarn add rest-fetcher-redux
bower install rest-fetcher-redux --save
This library is influenced by redux-api, but instead od using FLUX architecture it will put all its calls under one named reducer.
Once setup you can create your calls like this:
calls = {
url: "",
method: 'post',
Accept: 'application/json'
url: "",
method: 'get',
Accept: 'application/json'
After that you just make a call like this:
Api.login({body: logindata});
Api.getUser({id: userID})
To configure it properly you should call an instance of it in you app entry point, right before you create a global store instance.
import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import api from 'redux-rest-fetcher';
import apiCalls from './src/api/calls';
//here you can setup basic configuration that will be valid for all calls.
//you can ommit this, but in case you use other fetch (ex. polyfill) you can set it here
//also can be ommited, default is 'api(.)(.)'
//you will see this in redux actions: api(.)(.)callName
//and of course api calls
At this point redux-rest-fetcher is ready to be passed to your store. Extract reducer from it
const apiReducer = api.getReducer()
and pass it to your store to be incorporated in your combineReducer()
const rootReducer = combineReducer({
Once your store is created and populated with @@INIT
, pass a dispatcher to api.
Now any time you call you api calls, results will be placed to redux store.
You create your calls as key value object pairs. Where key will be a name of the function you call and value the call options. Yo can create multiple files, for ex. each for specific endpoint of your api
// /calls/User.js
const enpoint = 'user';
export default {
url: `${endpoint}/login`,
options: {
method: 'post',
accept: 'application/json',
url: `${endpoint}/gender/:id`,
options: {
Accept: "text/html",
"Content-Type": "text/html;charset=utf-8",
// calls/server.js
const enpoint = 'server';
export default {
url: `${endpoint}/refresh`,
options: {
credentials: 'omit',
accept: 'application/json',
// calls/index.js
import User from './User';
import Srv from './Server';
const calls = Object.assign({}, User, Srv);
export default calls;
There are 3 levels of constructing your request. Base options, options inside your calls and per call options.
Firstly you can set base options. If no other options are set this will be used for each call. In next example we will just implement default options ( this are already in there, if you skip this step, those will be your base options)
credentials: "include",
headers: {
Accept: "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Cache: "no-cache",
credentials: "same-origin"
Then you can override base options with options in call object.In example for refresh
resulting options will be:
credentials: "include",
headers: {
Accept: "text/html",
"Content-Type": "text/html;charset=utf-8",
Cache: "no-cache",
In the end you can override request per call by passing second paramater object with desired vaue like this:
Cache: 'force-cache'
credentials: "include",
headers: {
Accept: "text/html",
"Content-Type": "text/html;charset=utf-8",
Cache: "force-cache",
During your basic configuration you can setup base URL that will be attached to every call as prefix.
Defult base URL is empty string, so all calls will be made on same page.
You can override URL on the flight with absolute url
key. Redux-rest-fetcher will check if url
has 'http'
, and if yes it will not attach baseUrl prefix to that call.
export default = {
url:''//this will override baseUrl
There are several features included.
You can send either stringified JSON or plain object to your call.
api.login({body: obj});
//same as
api.login({body: JSON.stringify(obj)});
You can past your get params as object with key GET
. It will be parsed and the result will be attached to your call URL.
serial: '123456',
foo: 'bar'
// end url result:
You can set what you expect to as return to prevent fetch errors before they occur.
Default expect is json
api.getText({expected: 'text'})
Of course that means
are reserved and do not make keys in url params with those keywords (url/api/:GET
You can use this library without redux. If you don't pass dispatch function to the library instance you will receive a fetch promise that you need to resolve yourself.
On call this method will be called in order:
prefetch [array<func>]
-dispatch start
fetch call
-dispatch end
postfetch [array<func>]
Array that accepts and executes functions. Function will receive object with current call:
actions (all registrated calls)
url of the call
dispatch function if one exists
getState function if one exist
helpers (deepMerge)
This is called before body is extracted and final url is constructed. It perfect to insert some dynamic data like special headers, keys,etc. or to dispatch some extra action.
Array that accepts and executes functions. Function will receive object with current call:
actions (all registrated calls)
data as raw data received from server
dispatch function if one exists
getState function if one exist
helpers (deepMerge)
This is called after data is received and unpacked from server. You can either dispatch some action from here. After this call a promise is returned with data.
A call made before actual fetching has started. A dispatch function will call actionStart that will receive this params:
name of the action
url final
options of that call
if dispatch or actionStart are not set this will not be called. Same with dispatch end. A actionEnd must be provided. actionEnd will receive:
name of the call
call metadata
You can import tranformers from this package or create your own:
import {transformers, object, array, cumulativeArray} from 'rest-fetch-redux'
Transformers transform data before storing it to redux. Default is object and will return {}
on store init. You can change that if you expect array.
cumulativeArray ataches new data to existing array.
You can use a complete custom reducer for any call:
url: '/someUrl',
reducer: (state,action)=>{return {...state, data:action.payload}}
You can add custm reducer that will be triggered on perticular actions:
url: '/someUrl',
changeOnAction: {
'logout_action': (state, action) => {
return { ...state, data: {/* empty all data */} };
Api.yourCall.ACTIONS.START // action start string
Api.yourCall.ACTIONS.SUCCESS // action success string
Api.yourCall.ACTIONS.FAIL // action fail string