
Service Fabric scripts for various Azure AD tasks

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

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PowerShell scripts for setting up Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to authenticate clients for a Service Fabric cluster (which must be done before creating the cluster).

Service Fabric Azure AD helper scripts

PowerShell scripts for setting up Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to authenticate clients for a Service Fabric cluster (which must be done before creating the cluster).


This repo provides the following scripts for Azure AD:

  • Create Azure AD applications (web, native) to control access to your Service Fabric cluster
  • Delete existing Azure AD applications (web, native) for controlling your cluster
  • Create a new Azure AD user
  • Delete an existing Azure AD user

Getting Started



  • nuget install Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory


Create Azure AD applications

Run SetupApplications.ps1 to create two Azure AD applications (web and native applications) to control access to the cluster, storing the output into a variable to reuse when creating Azure AD users.

$Configobj = .\SetupApplications.ps1 -TenantId '<tenant_id>' -ClusterName '<cluster_name>' -WebApplicationReplyUrl 'https://<cluster_domain>:19080/Explorer' -AddResourceAccess
  • TenantId: You can find this by executing the PowerShell command Get-AzureSubscription.

  • ClusterName: This is used to prefix the Azure AD applications created by the script. It need not match the actual cluster name — it's provided to help you map Azure AD artifacts to their Service Fabric cluster.

  • WebApplicationReplyUrl: The endpoint Azure AD returned to your users after signing in. Set this to the Service Fabric Explorer for your cluster, which by default is at https://<cluster_domain>:19080/Explorer

  • Refer to the SetupApplications.ps1 script source for additional options and examples.

Running the script will prompt you to sign in to an account with admin privileges for the Azure AD tenant. Once signed in, the script will create the web and native applications to represent your Service Fabric cluster. The script will also print the JSON required by the Azure Resource Manager template when you go on to create your Service Fabric cluster, so be sure to save it somewhere.

Create Azure AD users

Run SetupUser.ps1 to create read-only and admin user roles for your cluster, using the $Configobj returned when creating your Azure AD applications. For example:

.\SetupUser.ps1 -ConfigObj $Configobj -UserName 'TestUser' -Password 'P@ssword!123'
.\SetupUser.ps1 -ConfigObj $Configobj -UserName 'TestAdmin' -Password 'P@ssword!123' -IsAdmin

Refer to the SetupUser.ps1 script source for additional options and examples.

Delete Azure AD applications and users

Run CleanupApplications.ps1 if you need to delete the Azure AD applications you created from the SetupApplications.ps1 script. Include the optional -CleanupUsers flag to also delete any users created for the given cluster.

.\CleanupApplications.ps1 -TenantId '<tenant_id>' -ClusterName '<cluster_name>' -CleanupUsers

Refer to CleanupApplications.ps1 and CleanupUser.ps1 scripts for additional options and examples.
