
A micro web framework for Common Lisp based on Clack

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

Caveman - A micro web framework for Common Lisp

Caveman is a micro web framework for Common Lisp, based on Clack.

Annoucement: Caveman2 Alpha has released

Caveman2, the next major release, is now available on Quicklisp, though it is still ALPHA quality.


@url GET "/hi"
(defun say-hi (params)
  "Hello, World!")

What's Caveman

Caveman is a micro web framework on Clack.

Why we should use "Framework" or something even if we already have Clack. You know Clack provides a very extensible environment for web application. We can build applications from isolated parts of Clack like kneading dough clay.

But Clack isn't a real framework. If you say that Clack is a collection of cells, Caveman is a newborn baby. Caveman provides a minimum set for building web applications. You can decorate the baby as you like, of course, and also you can replace any parts in it.

Caveman has following features:

  • Thin
  • Extensible
  • Easy to understand


Caveman is available on Quicklisp.

(ql:quickload :caveman)

Getting started

First, you have to generate a skeleton project.

(caveman.skeleton:generate #p"lib/myapp/")

Then a project skeleton is generated at lib/myapp/. The new project can be loaded and runs on this state.

(ql:quickload :myapp)

Now you can access to http://localhost:5000/ and then Caveman may show you "Hello, Caveman!".


Caveman provides an useful annotation "@url" to define a controller (You don't already know the meaning of "annotation"? Check cl-annot out). It has same rules to Clack.App.Route, it is an HTTP method paired with URL-matching pattern.

@url GET "/"
(defun index (params) ...)

@url POST "/"
(defun index (params) ...)

@url PUT "/"
(defun index (params) ...)

@url DELETE "/"
(defun index (params) ...)

@url OPTIONS "/"
(defun index (params) ...)

;; For all methods
@url ANY "/"
(defun index (params) ...)

Route pattern may contain "keyword" to put the value into the argument.

@url GET "/hello/:name"
(defun hello (params)
  (format nil "Hello, ~A" (getf params :name)))

The above controller will be invoked when you access to "/hello/Eitaro" and "/hello/Tomohiro", and then (getf params :name) will be "Eitaro" and "Tomohiro".

Route patterns may also contain "wildcard" parameters. They are accessible to run (getf params :splat).

@url GET "/say/*/to/*"
(defun say (params)
  ; matches /say/hello/to/world
  (getf params :splat) ;=> ("hello" "world")

@url GET "/download/*.*"
(defun download ()
  ; matches /download/path/to/file.xml
  (getf params :splat) ;=> ("path/to/file" "xml")

Multiple values in params

If there are multiple values for the same key in query parameters (ex. ?item-id=1&item-id=2), the param would be like (:|item-id| 1 :|item-id| 2). However, getf will return only the first one.

(getf '(:|item-id| 1 :|item-id| 2) :|item-id|)
;=> 1

For getting both of them as a list, multival-plist will help you.

(import 'multival-plist:getf-all)

(getf-all '(:|item-id| 1 :|item-id| 2) :|item-id|)
;=> (1 2)


Normally, routes are matched in the order they are defined. Only the first route matched is invoked and rest of them just will be ignored. But, a route can punt processing to the next matching route using next-route.

@url GET "/guess/:who"
(defun guess-me (params)
  (if (string= (getf params :who) "Eitaro")
      "You got me!"

@url GET "/guess/*"
(defun guess-anyone (params)
  "You missed!")

Return Value

You can return following format as the result in actions.

  • String
  • Pathname
  • Clack's response list (containing Status, Headers and Body)


Caveman adopt CL-EMB as the default template engine. A package, named myapp.view.emb, will be generated in your project which has one function render. It is simply execute emb:execute-emb and return the result as a string.

Of course, you can use other template engines, such as "cl-markup".


Caveman uses ".lisp" file as configuration file in #p"config/" directory. When a project is just generated, you might be able to find dev.lisp in it. It will be used when "start" the project application with "dev" mode.

;; config/dev.lisp
`(:static-path #p"static/"
  :log-path #p"log/"
  :template-path #p"templates/"
  :application-root ,(asdf:component-pathname
                      (asdf:find-system :myapp))
  :server :hunchentoot
  :port 5000
  :database-type :sqlite3
  :database-connection-spec (,(namestring

Obviously, this is just a plist. You can use following keys in there.

  • :application-root (Pathname): Pathname of the application root.
  • :static-path (Pathname): Relative pathname of a static files directory from the root.
  • :log-path (Pathname): Relative pathname of a log files directory from the root.
  • :template-path (Pathname): Relative pathname of a template directory from the root.
  • :port (Integer): Server port.
  • :server (Keyword): Clack.Handler's server type. (ex. :hunchentoot)

And following stuffs will be used by Clack.Middleware.Clsql for integrating CLSQL.

  • :database-type (Keyword)
  • :database-connection-spec (List)

You can access to the configuration plist anywhere, by using caveman:config.

;;=> (:static-path #p"public/" :template-path ...)
(caveman:config :server)
;;=> :hunchentoot


  • context
  • with-context-variables
  • config
  • app-path
  • url-for
  • redirect-to
  • forward-to
  • current-uri
  • current-mode


caveman:*session* is a hash table which represents a session for the current user.

More practical

Extend the Context





Copyright (c) 2011 Eitaro Fukamachi


Licensed under the LLGPL License.