
A Julia interface for VRPSolver

Primary LanguageJuliaOtherNOASSERTION


The BaPCodVRPSolver.jl package is a Julia interface for VRPSolver. Unlike the original distribution, this package allows one to run VRPSolver on any major operating system without Docker.

This package is only for academic use.


  • Julia versions 1.0.5 -- 1.5.4.
  • CPLEX versions 12.9 and higher.
  • BaPCod shared library version 0.66 (see below how to generate it).

Julia versions 1.6 and later are not supported for the moment due to a JuMP issue. Support of Julia 1.6 requires a significant work and will depend on the number of inquiries for it. Please let the contributors of this package know if this support is critical for you.


Open the Julia REPL and type:

    ]add https://github.com/inria-UFF/BaPCodVRPSolver.jl.git

On Linux, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable with the absolute path to the subdirectory of your CPLEX installation which contains the executable files and shared libraries. For example, if your CPLEX is installed at /opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio1210 and you are using Bash, you can declare it in the ~/.bashrc:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio1210/cplex/bin/x86-64_linux/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

On Windows, be sure that the PATH environment variable contains the folder with CPLEX dynamic library.

Next, set the BAPCOD_RCSP_LIB environment variable with the absolute path to the BaPCod shared library (which has .so extension on linux, .dylib extension on Mac OS, and .dll extension on Windows). For example, if you are using Bash on Linux, you can declare it in the ~/.bashrc:

export BAPCOD_RCSP_LIB=/path/to/lib/libbapcod-shared.so

If you want to use the complete formulation (the one that includes mapping constraints with λ variables for paths, and it's very useful for debugging), then you have to configurate a MIP solver via JuMP 0.18 interface for that (e.g. you can install CPLEX.jl, which requires CPLEX version 12.10 or higher).

Producing BaPCod shared library

If the BaPCod shared library you have does not work for you, or you do not have one, you can produce it in the following way.

Download BaPCod source code on its web-page. You need an e-mail address from an academic institution for this. Then, install BaPCod using installation instructions in the BaPCod user guide.

Then run the following command from the folder you have installed BaPCod

cmake --build build --config Release --target bapcod-shared

This will produce shared library file <path to BaPCod>/build/Bapcod/libbapcod-shared.so on Linux, <path to BaPCod>/build/Bapcod/libbapcod-shared.dylib on Mac OS, and <path to BaPCod>/build/Bapcod/Release/bapcod-shared.dll on Windows. Note that the BAPCOD_RCSP_LIB environment variable should contain the absolute path to this BaPCod shared library, and not to RCSP library.


On Linux, you may have error:

ERROR: LoadError: could not load library "<path to>/libbapcod-shared.so"
<path to Julia>/bin/../lib/julia/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.26' not found (required by "<path to>/libbapcod-shared.so")

This is because Julia comes with an older version of the libstdc++.so.6 library. One solution is build Julia from sources. An easier solution is to replace file <path to Julia>/lib/julia/libstdc++.so.6 with your system libstdc++.so.6 file. For local machines it is usually located in the folder /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/.

Running an application

Firstly, add the folowing dependences:

   ]add JuMP, ArgParse

All the demos available in the VRPSolver website will work after replacing using VrpSolver with using BaPCodVRPSolver in the file src/run.jl. Also, you should comment/remove the using of CPLEX.jl at the beginning of src/run.jl if the package is not installed.

For example, the CVRP demo can be invoked (after making the aforementioned replacement) for the instance X-n101-k25 using an upper bound of 27591.1 as follows:

julia src/run.jl data/X/X-n101-k25.vrp -u 27591.1