
Official Pytorch Implementation of GraphiT

Primary LanguagePython

GraphiT: Encoding Graph Structure in Transformers

This repository implements GraphiT, described in the following paper:

Grégoire Mialon*, Dexiong Chen*, Margot Selosse*, Julien Mairal. GraphiT: Encoding Graph Structure in Transformers.
*Equal contribution

Short Description about GraphiT

Figure from paper

GraphiT is an instance of transformers designed for graph-structured data. It takes as input a graph seen as a set of its node features, and integrates the graph structure via i) relative positional encoding using kernels on graphs and ii) encoding local substructures around each node, e.g, short paths, before adding it to the node features. GraphiT is able to outperform Graph Neural Networks in different graph classification and regression tasks, and offers promising visualization capabilities for domains where interpretability is important, e.g, in chemoinformatics.




The train folds and model weights for visualization are already provided at the correct location. Datasets will be downloaded via Pytorch geometric.

To begin with, run:

cd GraphiT
. s_env

To install GCKN, you also need to run:


You also need to create a cache folder to store computed positional encoding

mkdir -p cache/pe

Training GraphiT on graph classification and regression tasks

All our experimental scripts are in the folder experiments. So to start with, run cd experiments.


To train GraphiT on NCI1 with diffusion kernel, run:

python run_transformer_cv.py --dataset NCI1 --fold-idx 1 --pos-enc diffusion --beta 1.0

Here --fold-idx can be varied from 1 to 10 to train on a specified training fold. To test a selected model, just add the --test flag.

To include Laplacian positional encoding into input node features, run:

python run_transformer_cv.py --dataset NCI1 --fold-idx 1 --pos-enc diffusion --beta 1.0 --lappe --lap-dim 8

To include GCKN path features into input node features, run:

python run_transformer_gckn_cv.py --dataset NCI1 --fold-idx 1 --pos-enc diffusion --beta 1.0 --gckn-path 5
Reproduction of our classification results

To reproduce our experimental results, you need to perform grid search to select the best model and retrain it. We have prepared a script to perform grid search and testing on a single machine for MUTAG with GCKN and adjacency encoding as an example. The results for other datasets and other encodings can be easily obtained by adapting the script.

cd scripts
bach -x cv_gckn_transformer.sh

You can modify the above script based on your server to conduct grid search on multiple machines. Once all experiments have been done, you can visualize the final results with

python results_gckn_transformer.py


To train GraphiT on ZINC, run:

python run_transformer.py --pos-enc diffusion --beta 1.0

To include Laplacian positional encoding into input node features, run:

python run_transformer.py --pos-enc diffusion --beta 1.0 --lappe --lap-dim 8

To include GCKN path features into input node features, run:

python run_transformer_gckn.py --pos-enc diffusion --beta 1.0 --gckn-path 8

Visualizing attention scores

To visualize attention scores for GraphiT trained on Mutagenicity, run:

cd experiments
python visu_attention.py --idx-sample 10

To visualize Nitrothiopheneamide-methylbenzene, choose 10 as sample index. To visualize Aminofluoranthene, choose 2003 as sample index. If you want to test for other samples (i.e, other indexes), make sure that the model correctly predicts mutagenicity (class 0) for this sample.


To cite GraphiT, please use the following Bibtex snippet:

      title={GraphiT: Encoding Graph Structure in Transformers}, 
      author={Gr\'egoire Mialon and Dexiong Chen and Margot Selosse and Julien Mairal},