
Documentation for the Inrupt PodBrowser

Primary LanguagePython


The repository for Inrupt PodBrowser documentation: https://docs.inrupt.com/user-interface/podbrowser/

To Build

To build:

  1. Prereq: python3, Node.js.

  2. Optional but recommended. Create a virtual env.

    python3 -m venv <path to the new virtual environment>
    source <path to the new virtual environment>/bin/activate
  3. Go to the cloned repo directory:


  4. Install the docs requirements (different from API docs requirements):

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Make the docs.

    make dirhtml

    There should be a build/<branch>/dirhtml directory with the html artifacts.

When finished, can deactivate your virtual env.


© Copyright 2021, Inrupt Inc.

Third Party Licenses

The requirements.txt lists the 3rd party libraries used. For the licenses, see the shared inrupt/docs-assets.