Configure Samba File server in Ubuntu 16.04 with Windows ACL Suppot

  1. Install Ubuntu 16.04 with Samba during install
  2. Update & Upgrade packages: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
  3. Modify included files with correct domain name and host name of computer(/etc/hosts, /etc/samba/smb.conf, /etc/krb5.conf, /etc/nsswitch.conf) and copy in place.
  4. Set static IP Address in /etc/network/interfaces (included in files just make sure to change adapter name and appropriate network information.)
  5. Check DNS config, see if it matches close to the included /etc/resolv.conf, if not then modify
  6. Reload Networking Service, or reboot. sudo systemctl restart networking.service
  7. Install other required packages: ```sudo apt install krb5-user libnss-winbind libpam-winbind``
  8. Reload Samba Config and restart services sudo smbcontrol all reload-config sudo systemctl restart winbindd.service smbd.service nmbd.service
  9. Join the domain: net ads join -U administrator
  10. Restart services again: sudo systemctl restart winbindd.service smbd.service nmbd.service
  11. Send a Winbddd Ping: ```

wbinfo --ping-dc

checking the NETLOGON for domain[SAMDOM] dc connection to "DC.SAMDOM.EXAMPLE.COM" succeeded

1. Look up Domain Users and Groups to verif you're getting that information back: ```
# getent passwd SAMDOM\\demo01
  1. For your filestore verify that your fstab specifies xattr_user
  2. Grant SeDiskOperatorPrivilege to Domain Admins (This is what allows you to manage permission in Windows) ```

net rpc rights grant "SAMDOM\Domain Admins" SeDiskOperatorPrivilege -U "SAMDOM\administrator"

Enter SAMDOM\administrator's password: Successfully granted rights.

1. Create your share directory and set rights for **Domain Admins**```
# chown root:"Domain Admins" /srv/samba/Demo/
# chmod 0770 /srv/samba/Demo/
  1. Make sure you make a new entry for each share at the bottom of your smb.conf file.