
Google Assistant SDK Experiments

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Raspberry Pi + Google Assistant SDK

(With Sound & Automatic Turn On)

An extension of the basic Google Assistant + Raspberry Pi demo with instructions for automatically turning it on with the Raspberry Pi and to provide audio feedback when the user talks to the device.

Step 0: Setup Assistant on Pi

Step 1: Install audio library

Run sudo apt-get install sox libsox-fmt-all

Step 2: Startup script

Make a script called startup.sh with the following content.


echo "Running Google Assistant…"
source env/bin/activate
python /home/pi/PiAssistant/assistant.py &

Step 3: Run the script on startup

  • To schedule a task on reboot we need a GUI for Corn, install it using sudo apt-get install gnome-schedule. Read more here.
  • Execute crontab -e and add the following two lines at the end of the file – one for setting the volume to a desirable level and another to start the assistant.
amixer set Master 80%
@reboot sleep 10 && /usr/bin/zsh -e "/home/pi/startup.sh"
  • If you do not know the name of the device (Master in the example) run amixer to get the name of the device and set a volume you want the Pi to boot up with.
  • Use the terminal client of your choosing, i prefer having zsh.