
Which bits are set?

Primary LanguagePython


Which bits are set?

This simple tool is used to help determine which bits are set for a specified value. If you do a lot of driver level programming and are constantly dealing with register values this tool can be extremely helpful.


% bitter -h
Usage: bitter [<args>] [<value> ...]

  -h          this text
  -n          no colors
  -a          ascii drawing
  -b          reset start bit label for each argument
  --sb=<bit>  start bit label (default 0)
  --vc=<clr>  value color (default byellow)
  --bc=<clr>  border color (default magenta)
  --ic=<clr>  bit color (default cyan)
  --nc=<clr>  normal color (terminal default)

  <value>     dec:  [0-9]+
              hex:  '0' ('x'|'X') [0-9a-f]+
              oct:  '0' ('o'|'O') [0-7]+
              bin:  '0' ('b'|'B') [0-1]+
              bits: comma separated and/or ranges

  <clr>       default, black, red, green, yellow
              blue, magenta, cyan, white
              NOTE: prefix a 'b' for bright (i.e. byellow)

