
A TypeHead component for Preact

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A TypeAhead Component for Preact


Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/ashokvishwakarma/preact-typehead.git

install the packages

npm install

Run development server

npm start

Build component

npm run build


npm run test

TypeAhead Props

Available props and their default values

Prop Details Default Value
url URL to fetch data from the server null
params Configuration object to api check example folder for more details Check the example
dataKey Key in which the data is available data
data Data for typeahead null
suggestAfter Chars to wait till the suggestions 3
maxItem Maximum items to be selected 5
displayKey Key to display in chips or input title
onInput onInput callback function
onSelect onSelect callback function
hilightTerm Highlight the matched term false
duplicate Allow selected item in suggestion false
multiple Select multiple items false
itemBuilder function to custom html for suggested items NA