Make sure to check Frontend Repository :

Current Backend Repository :

Deploy Backend Link :

Deploy Frontend Link :


  name: {string, mandatory},
  email: {string, mandatory, unique},
  password: {string, mandatory}  // encrypted password

User APIs


Create a user document from request body. Save password in encrypted format (use bcrypt). Response format On success - Return HTTP status 201. Also return the user document like below:

    "status": true,
    "data": {
        "name": "John",
        "email": "",
        "password": "$2b$10$DpOSGb0B7cT0f6L95RnpWO2P/AtEoE6OF9diIiAEP7QrTMaV29Kmm",
        "_id": "6162876abdcb70afeeaf9cf5",
        "__v": 0

On error - Return a suitable error message with a valid HTTP status code. The response should be a JSON object like below :

Error Response structure

  status: false,
  msg: ""

POST /api/login

Allow an user to login with their email and password. On a successful login attempt return a JWT token containing the userId.

Response format On success - Return HTTP status 200 and JWT token in response body. The response should be a JSON object like below:

    "status": true,
    "token": {

On error - Return a suitable error message with a valid HTTP status code. The response should be a JSON object like below :

Error Response structure

  status: false,
  msg: ""

Flight API

GET /flights (Fetch Flights prices)

authentication implemented

Response format On success -

  "indigo": "₹2126",
  "airAsia": "₹3357",
  "vistara": "₹1199"

On error - Return a suitable error message with a valid HTTP status code. The response should be a JSON object like below :

Error Response structure

  status: false,
  msg: ""

Installation and Setup

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Run npm install to install the dependencies.
  3. Run npm start to start the app.

Technologies Used

  1. MongoDB: a NoSQL database used for storing and retrieving data
  2. Express.js: a web application framework for Node.js
  3. React: a JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  4. Node.js: a JavaScript runtime environment for running server-side code
  5. HTML & CSS: for building web pages