project - BooksReview Management

Key points

Create a group database groupXDatabase. You can clean the db you previously used and resue that. This time each group should have a single git branch. Coordinate amongst yourselves by ensuring every next person pulls the code last pushed by a team mate. You branch will be checked as part of the demo. Branch name should follow the naming convention project/booksManagementGroupX Follow the naming conventions exactly as instructed.


User Model

  title: {string, mandatory, enum[Mr, Mrs, Miss]},
  name: {string, mandatory},
  phone: {string, mandatory, unique},
  email: {string, mandatory, valid email, unique}, 
  password: {string, mandatory, minLen 8, maxLen 15},
  address: {
    street: {string},
    city: {string},
    pincode: {string}
  createdAt: {timestamp},
  updatedAt: {timestamp}

Books Model

  title: {string, mandatory, unique},
  excerpt: {string, mandatory}, 
  userId: {ObjectId, mandatory, refs to user model},
  ISBN: {string, mandatory, unique},
  category: {string, mandatory},
  subcategory: {string, mandatory},
  reviews: {number, default: 0, comment: Holds number of reviews of this book},
  deletedAt: {Date, when the document is deleted}, 
  isDeleted: {boolean, default: false},
  releasedAt: {Date, mandatory, format("YYYY-MM-DD")},
  createdAt: {timestamp},
  updatedAt: {timestamp},

Review Model (Books review)

  bookId: {ObjectId, mandatory, refs to book model},
  reviewedBy: {string, mandatory, default 'Guest', value: reviewer's name},
  reviewedAt: {Date, mandatory},
  rating: {number, min 1, max 5, mandatory},
  review: {string, optional}
  isDeleted: {boolean, default: false},

User APIs

POST /register

Create a user - atleast 5 users Create a user document from request body. Return HTTP status 201 on a succesful user creation. Also return the user document. The response should be a JSON object like this Return HTTP status 400 if no params or invalid params received in request body. The response should be a JSON object like this

POST /login

Allow an user to login with their email and password. On a successful login attempt return a JWT token contatining the userId, exp, iat. The response should be a JSON object like this If the credentials are incorrect return a suitable error message with a valid HTTP status code. The response should be a JSON object like this

Books API

POST /books

Create a book document from request body. Get userId in request body only. Make sure the userId is a valid userId by checking the user exist in the users collection. Return HTTP status 201 on a succesful book creation. Also return the book document. The response should be a JSON object like this Create atleast 10 books for each user Return HTTP status 400 for an invalid request with a response body like this

GET /books

Returns all books in the collection that aren't deleted. Return only book _id, title, excerpt, userId, category, releasedAt, reviews field. Response example here Return the HTTP status 200 if any documents are found. The response structure should be like this If no documents are found then return an HTTP status 404 with a response like this Filter books list by applying filters. Query param can have any combination of below filters. By userId By category By subcategory example of a query url: books?filtername=filtervalue&f2=fv2 Return all books sorted by book name in Alphabatical order

GET /books/:bookId

Returns a book with complete details including reviews. Reviews array would be in the form of Array. Response example here Return the HTTP status 200 if any documents are found. The response structure should be like this If the book has no reviews then the response body should include book detail as shown here and an empty array for reviewsData. If no documents are found then return an HTTP status 404 with a response like this

PUT /books/:bookId

Update a book by changing its title excerpt release date ISBN Make sure the unique constraints are not violated when making the update Check if the bookId exists (must have isDeleted false and is present in collection). If it doesn't, return an HTTP status 404 with a response body like this Return an HTTP status 200 if updated successfully with a body like this Also make sure in the response you return the updated book document.

DELETE /books/:bookId

Check if the bookId exists and is not deleted. If it does, mark it deleted and return an HTTP status 200 with a response body with status and message. If the book document doesn't exist then return an HTTP status of 404 with a body like this

Review APIs

POST /books/:bookId/review

Add a review for the book in reviews collection. Check if the bookId exists and is not deleted before adding the review. Send an error response with appropirate status code like this if the book does not exist Get review details like review, rating, reviewer's name in request body. Update the related book document by increasing its review count Return the updated book document with reviews data on successful operation. The response body should be in the form of JSON object like this

PUT /books/:bookId/review/:reviewId

Update the review - review, rating, reviewer's name. Check if the bookId exists and is not deleted before updating the review. Check if the review exist before updating the review. Send an error response with appropirate status code like this if the book does not exist Get review details like review, rating, reviewer's name in request body. Return the updated book document with reviews data on successful operation. The response body should be in the form of JSON object like this

DELETE /books/:bookId/review/:reviewId

Check if the review exist with the reviewId. Check if the book exist with the bookId. Send an error response with appropirate status code like this if the book or book review does not exist Delete the related reivew. Update the books document - decrease review count by one


Make sure all the book routes are protected.


Make sure that only the owner of the books is able to create, edit or delete the book. In case of unauthorized access return an appropirate error message.


To test these apis create a new collection in Postman named Project 4 Books Management Each api should have a new request in this collection Each request in the collection should be rightly named. Eg Create user, Create book, Get books etc Each member of each team should have their tests in running state Refer below sample A Postman collection and request sample

Response Successful Response structure

  status: true,
  message: 'Success',
  data: {


Error Response structure

  status: false,
  message: ""



  _id: ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef02"),
  title: "Mr",
  name: "John Doe",
  phone: 9897969594,
  email: "", 
  password: "abcd1234567",
  address: {
    street: "110, Ridhi Sidhi Tower",
    city: "Jaipur",
    pincode: "400001"
  "createdAt": "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",
  "updatedAt": "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",


  "_id": ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef55"),
  "title": "How to win friends and influence people",
  "excerpt": "book body",
  "userId": ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef02"),
  "ISBN": "978-0008391331",
  "category": "Book",
  "subcategory": "Non fiction",
  "isDeleted": false,
  "reviews": 0,
  "releasedAt": "2021-09-17"
  "createdAt": "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",
  "updatedAt": "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",


  "_id": ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef88"),
  bookId: ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef55"),
  reviewedBy: "Jane Doe",
  reviewedAt: "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",
  rating: 4,
  review: "An exciting nerving thriller. A gripping tale. A must read book."

Response examples

Get books response

  status: true,
  message: 'Books list',
  data: [
      "_id": ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef55"),
      "title": "How to win friends and influence people",
      "excerpt": "book body",
      "userId": ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef02")
      "category": "Book",
      "reviews": 0,
      "releasedAt": "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z"
      "_id": ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef56"),
      "title": "How to win friends and influence people",
      "excerpt": "book body",
      "userId": ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef02")
      "category": "Book",
      "reviews": 0,
      "releasedAt": "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z"

Book details response

  status: true,
  message: 'Books list',
  data: {
    "_id": ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef55"),
    "title": "How to win friends and influence people",
    "excerpt": "book body",
    "userId": ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef02")
    "category": "Book",
    "subcategory": "Non fiction",
    "isDeleted": false,
    "reviews": 4,
    "releasedAt": "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z"
    "createdAt": "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",
    "updatedAt": "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",
    "reviewsData": [
        "_id": ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef88"),
        bookId: ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef55"),
        reviewedBy: "Jane Doe",
        reviewedAt: "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",
        rating: 4,
        review: "An exciting nerving thriller. A gripping tale. A must read book."
        "_id": ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef89"),
        bookId: ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef55"),
        reviewedBy: "Jane Doe",
        reviewedAt: "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",
        rating: 4,
        review: "An exciting nerving thriller. A gripping tale. A must read book."
        "_id": ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef90"),
        bookId: ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef55"),
        reviewedBy: "Jane Doe",
        reviewedAt: "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",
        rating: 4,
        review: "An exciting nerving thriller. A gripping tale. A must read book."
        "_id": ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef91"),
        bookId: ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef55"),
        reviewedBy: "Jane Doe",
        reviewedAt: "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",
        rating: 4,
        review: "An exciting nerving thriller. A gripping tale. A must read book."

Book details response no reviews

  status: true,
  message: 'Books list',
  data: {
    "_id": ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef55"),
    "title": "How to win friends and influence people",
    "excerpt": "book body",
    "userId": ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef02")
    "category": "Book",
    "subcategory": "Non fiction",
    "isDeleted": false,
    "reviews": 0,
    "releasedAt": "2021-09-17"
    "createdAt": "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",
    "updatedAt": "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",
    "reviewsData": []