Project - CloudNotes Backend

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CloudNotes is a tool that allows users to securely store their notes on the cloud, and that it provides them with the ability to manage and organize their notes in a convenient and efficient way. So the app eliminates the need for users to keep track of physical notebooks or sticky notes, or that it allows them to access their notes from anywhere with an internet connection. CloudNotes is a web app built with the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack that allows users to create, view, update, and delete notes online. The app provides a simple and intuitive interface, with a navbar that includes Home, About, Login, Sign Up, and Logout options. The authentication and authorization system ensures that each user can only access their own notes, or the ability to perform read, update, and delete operations on notes.

Key points

This project is divided into 2 features namely User and Notes. In this project we are sending token with a request as x-api-key or any name which you preferred. you need to use Authorization header and send the JWT token as ax-api-key or any name. Create a database in mongodb with a suitable name to perform CRUD operations on notes and to store user credentials.


User Model

  name: {string, mandatory},
  email: {string, mandatory, unique},
  password: {string, mandatory}, // encrypted password
  date : {date, default}

User APIs


Create a user document from request body. Save password in encrypted format (use bcrypt). Response format On success - Return HTTP status 201. Also return the user document like below:

    "status": true,
    "data": {
        "name": "John",
        "email": "",
        "password": "$2b$10$DpOSGb0B7cT0f6L95RnpWO2P/AtEoE6OF9diIiAEP7QrTMaV29Kmm",
        "date" : 2023-02-12T09:17:30.082+00:00
        "_id": "6162876abdcb70afeeaf9cf5",
        "__v": 0

On error - Return a suitable error message with a valid HTTP status code. The response should be a JSON object like below :

Error Response structure

  status: false,
  msg: ""

POST /login

Allow an user to login with their email and password. On a successful login attempt return a JWT token containing the userId, iat.

Response format On success - Return HTTP status 200 and JWT token in response body. The response should be a JSON object like below:

    "status": true,
    "token": {

On error - Return a suitable error message with a valid HTTP status code. The response should be a JSON object like below :

Error Response structure

  status: false,
  msg: ""

Note Model

  userId : {object Id, ref : user model}
  title: {string, mandatory},
  description: {string, mandatory},
  tag : {string, default : "General"}
  date : {date, default}

Note APIs

POST /api/notes/createNotes (Add note)

authentication required

Create a note for the user from request body if it does not exist and also authenticate user before creating any notes.Response format On success - Return HTTP status 201. Also return the user document like below :

    "_id": "640742f4616da245ceac3bf5",
    "userId": "64074275616da245ceac3be9",
    "title": "No Time to Die",
    "description" : "An action James Bond Movie"
    "tag": "action",
    date : 2023-03-07T13:58:12.455+00:00,
    "__v": 0

GET /api/notes/fetchNotes (Fetch Notes)

authentication required

Fetch the notes related to the user by auhtenticate them. Response format On success - Return HTTP status 200. Also return the user document like below :

    "status": true,
    "data": {
        "_id": "640742f4616da245ceac3bf5",
        "userId": "64074275616da245ceac3be9",
        "title": "No Time to Die",
        "description" : "An action James Bond Movie"
        "tag": "action",
        date : 2023-03-07T13:58:12.455+00:00,
        "__v": 0

PUT /api/notes/updateNotes/:noteId (Upate Note)

authentication and authorization required

Update the notes related to the user by auhtenticate and authorized them. You can take the note id in the request parameter. Response format On success - Return HTTP status 200. Also return the user document like below :

    "status": true,
    "data": {
        "_id": "640742f4616da245ceac3bf5",
        "userId": "64074275616da245ceac3be9",
        "title": "No Time to Die",
        "description" : "An action James Bond Movie"
        "tag": "action",
        date : 2023-03-07T13:58:12.455+00:00,
        "__v": 0

DELETE /api/notes/deleteNotes/:noteId (Delete Note)

authentication and authorization required

Delete the notes related to the user by auhtenticate and authorized them. You can take the note id in the request parameter.

Error respose to API's should be like this:

On error - Return a suitable error message with a valid HTTP status code. The response should be a JSON object like below :

Error Response structure

  status: false,
  msg: ""