
An easy to use interface for picture-in-picture on macOS 10.12 and later

Primary LanguageObjective-CBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Carthage compatible CocoaPods

An NSViewController subclass that can present its child view controller in picture-in-picture mode.

Please note that this project links against PIP.framework, which is private. Don't try to submit apps using this to the App Store.




Add the following line to your Cartfile and follow the integration instructions for Carthage:

github "insidegui/PIPContainer" ~> 1.0


Add the following line to your Podfile and then run pod install:

pod 'PIPContainer'


Drag PIPContainer.xcodeproj to your project and add PIPContainer.framework to the Embedded Binaries section.

manual integration



The way it works is you add the view controller you want to display in the PiP as a child view controller of PIPContainerViewController. This can all be done using storyboards (see demos).

storyboard containment

Entering and Exiting PiP mode

After you have the correct containment setup, simply call togglePIP on PIPContainerViewController to enter/exit PiP mode.

private var pip: PIPContainerViewController? {
    return parent as? PIPContainerViewController
func togglePictureInPictureMode() {

You can also link UI controls like buttons and menus directly to the togglePIP action in Interface Builder by control-dragging to the First Responder and selecting the action togglePIP:.

Getting notified about PiP commands

PIPContainerViewController has many block properties that you can use to get notifications about state changes.

  • pipDidPause: Called when the pause button is pressed in the PiP panel
  • pipDidPlay: Called when the play button is pressed in the PiP panel
  • pipWillOpen: Called when the PiP panel is about to be opened. This is the best moment to set the isPlaying property of PIPContainerViewController to reflect the state of your player
  • pipWillClose: Called when the PiP panel is about to be closed
  • pipDidClose: Called after the PiP panel is closed and the view controller is back to its original position


I encourage you to have a look at the demos to get a better understanding of how PIPContainer works: