
Simple debugger for NSVisualEffectView

Primary LanguageObjective-CBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Simple debugger for NSVisualEffectView.

Just drop VisualEffectDebugger.m into your Xcode project and add -AUIEnableVisualEffectDebugger YES to your scheme's "Arguments Passed on Launch" (or run defaults write com.your.bundle.id AUIEnableVisualEffectDebugger YES in Terminal).

When it's enabled, right-clicking any visual effect view in the app will show a menu where you can toggle between the different materials.

If multiple visual effect views are overlapping, you can use the keyboard shortcut Control + Option + Command + X with the cursor on top of the views to see a menu that displays each visual effect view below the cursor and highlights the given view when you hover over the menu item corresponding to that view.


  • Made real quick just to accelerate my workflow while developing some UI stuff in my app
  • Only tested in macOS Monterey 12.2 (but should work in previous versions)
  • There are definitely bugs
  • Please do not ship this in release builds of your app, that's why the whole code is within #if DEBUG / #endif

