- 1
Ability to filter for Non-Downloaded videos.
#583 opened by luvvie - 0
change language fail
#663 opened by Xcode123456 - 7
Titles in share pop-up have wrong colors
#692 opened by casperriboe - 1
- 3
Way to ignore content without videos
#697 opened by jcampbell05 - 4
Subtitle button is missing after download video
#657 opened by young40 - 2
- 2
When there's only one video result after filtering, clicking on it does not display it
#698 opened by JetForMe - 1
Subtitles UI & Status error, V7.4
#685 opened by BenjaminX - 17
Keeps crashing on macOS Ventura
#665 opened by outcoldman - 4
7.4b3 just spins, never displays UI
#666 opened by JetForMe - 1
filer is crash
#683 opened by Bintong - 1
Feat Req: Add `tech-talk` videos
#667 opened by Charlotte3240 - 6
No contents opened in MacBook Pro 2015 intel CPU
#664 opened by zonebin - 10
ConfCore.realm is huge
#578 opened by bartzy - 4
Eggy looking sound control element
#660 opened by japanese-goblinn - 0
Feature Request: Watch List (Queue) or Watch Later
#642 opened by difujia - 0
- 6
Ability to see video length on thumbnail
#625 opened by davuthdv - 1
Application performance degrades over time if "Referesh Schedule and Videos Periodically" is enabled
#641 opened by allenhumphreys - 2
- 1
Can't see transcripts
#651 opened by teogeos - 1
UI issues with macOS Big Sur
#647 opened by insidegui - 1
Feature Request: Export Transcript
#631 opened by mediter - 1
- 12
Crash: app opens, but crash after 2 second
#637 opened by Jimmy-Prime - 3
- 2
Add logic to delete the old image cache Realm
#639 opened by allenhumphreys - 10
- 12
Database compression
#580 opened by insidegui - 4
- 17
- 3
- 1
Unwatched filter not working
#579 opened by Logistes - 4
WWDC 2014 Swift Sessions missing
#629 opened by masters3d - 3
- 2
Crash: This method may only be called on RLMArray instances retrieved from an RLMRealm
#620 opened by hvsw - 2
Clipped video is not sized correctly
#622 opened by BrianBatchelder - 3
Bottom of screen not visible on 1366 x 768 displays
#623 opened by tarasis - 2
Clip sharing doesn't work in the schedule tab
#618 opened by insidegui - 1
Crash at startup
#616 opened by mirkoevo - 2
Improve colour contrast on Playback progress indicator
#572 opened by bcmn - 1
- 1
- 1
Mac App Store?
#589 opened by AustinConlon - 4
WWDC app not synced across mac computers
#582 opened by yoasha - 1
iPad Version possible ?
#576 opened by user858753257 - 4
Changing Watched / Unwatched session status update filter until relaunch
#574 opened by chrislconover - 1
Mark as watched / unwatched context menu item should reflect current watched / unwatched state
#575 opened by chrislconover - 4