
A slack app for standups

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Scrum bot

Are you tired of the following happening in your scrums:

"So who wants to speak next?"

"I do" (said by three people)

(three second pause)

"Me!" (said by two people)

(eight minutes later the next person is chosen).

This bot will remove the hassle by selecting a random order for people to scrum in. It will also mention all of the scrumees to draw their attention.



The bot will echo the order in which to scrum using mentions.

/standup exclude @user1 @user2 @user3

The bot will exclude the given users from future scrums. The excludes are saved in redis.

/standup include @user1 @user3

The bot will remove the given exclusions.


docker-compose up

This docker-compose configuration starts a container for the bot and another for a redis instance to store the exclusions. You'll want to edit the .env file first to provide your slack key via ACCESS_TOKEN.