
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Advent of Code Solutions

My Advent of Code (AoC) solutions – I only started doing AoC in 2023, and I haven't regularly done much purely algorithmic stuff since university almost 2 decades ago, so they're nothing special, but they're mine…

…unless I failed to solve a day on my own and treated it as a learning day, and to practice implementing appropriate techniques from other solutions, which will be noted in the comments.

Generating puzzle boilerplate

These commands create a new ${year}/${day} directory, copy template.js into it, and create empty example.txt and input.txt files:

  • npm start – for today's puzzle (AoC puzzles drop at 3pm in my current timezone)
  • npm start 15 – for day 15 this year
  • npm start 2022/17 – for a day in a previous year

Running example input

My solutions run against the example data when you provide a test argument, and will also create output logs similar to those provided for the puzzle example, which is handy for eyeball testing the initial solution.

Passing a --watch argument will make Node.js re-run on every change:

node --watch index.js test