
Manage "engagement" on Twitter by moving retweets and algorithmic tweets to their own lists

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Manage Twitter Engagement

Manage "engagement" on Twitter by moving retweets and algorithmic tweets to their own lists, or hiding them completely

Retweets and algorithmic timeline tweets on Twitter bring tension and emotion to a scene that already has too much of both.

Manage Twitter Engagement moves them to their own lists on the homepage to reduce the default amount of "engagement" on Twitter, allowing you to opt-in to extra tweets when you have the headspace for them, instead of mixing them all together in your feed.

It also provides options to completely opt out of seeing retweets and algorithmic tweets.


Use the new section headings added by the extension to only show specific types of tweets:

Screenshot of tweets in their own list on the Twitter homepage

Screenshot of retweets in their own list on the Twitter homepage

Screenshot of algorithmic tweets in their own list on the Twitter homepage

Chrome extension options dialog:

Screenshot of the options UI in Chrome

Firefox extension page options:

Screenshot of the options UI in Firefox


Hide "Retweets" section

Enable this option to completely hide retweets.

Hide "Suggested tweets" section

Enable this option to completely hide algorithmic tweets.

Hiding both sections will remove this extension's section headings from the Twitter homepage


Icon adapted from "Twitter free icon" by Icomoon from www.flaticon.com, CC 3.0 BY