
Examples of using nwb as an alternative to ejecting from create-react-app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

As an alternative to ejecting from create-react-app v0.2, nwb v0.12 provides what should be a compatible zero-configuration setup for what you can do with your app in terms of the Babel features and Webpack loaders available, and default polyfills applied.

Switching to nwb from a create-react-app app

  • Move index.html into src/ - nwb looks here by default and falls back to a default template if not present.

  • Create a public/ directory and move favicon.ico into it - nwb serves static content from this directory when developing and copies its contents to dist/ when building.

  • Tweak package.json to use nwb and its development commands.

     "devDependencies": {
    -  "react-scripts": "0.2.1"
    +  "nwb": "0.12.0"
     "scripts": {
    -    "start": "react-scripts start",
    -    "build": "react-scripts build",
    -    "eject": "react-scripts eject"
    +    "start": "nwb serve-react-app",
    +    "build": "nwb build-react-app",
    +    "test": "nwb test",
    +    "test:coverage": "nwb test --coverage",
    +    "test:watch": "nwb test --server"
  • Tweak .gitignore - nwb generates builds in dist/ and generates test coverage reports incoverage/.

     # production
    +# testing


You can create a nwb.config.js file to provide configuration and install plugin modules to add new functionality.

CSS Modules

The following nwb.config.js will configure use of CSS modules for your app's CSS:

module.exports = {
  webpack: {
    loaders: {
      css: {
        modules: true,
        localIdentName: '[name]__[local]__[hash:base64:5]'

See the css-modules branch for a working example.


Installing nwb-sass will allow you to import .scss and .sass files:

npm install --save-dev nwb-sass

See the sass branch for a working example.


Without doing anything else, you can now write tests using Mocha and Expect in -test.js, .test.js or .spec.js files anywhere under src/ or tests/ and use the new test commands to run them in PhantomJS with Karma.

  • npm run test - run tests once
  • npm run test:coverage - run tests and create a coverage report in coverage/
  • npm run test:watch - run tests on every change

Missing / Different features

  • nwb doesn't configure default ESLint rules as part of its Webpack setup.
  • The nwb dev server doesn't support proxying; nwb only provides middleware for using its build in your own Express server.
  • Use webpack.publicPath config in nwb.config.js instead of "homepage" config in package.json to configure the public path to static assets.