
An implementation of the React Tutorial using nwb's middleware

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


An implementation of the comment box from the React tutorial using nwb's middleware in the tutorial's API server to take advantage of nwb's default development setup, including:

  • ES6 class components, shorthand properties, arrow functions, computed property names, module syntax, spread operator
  • Stage 2 class properties
  • Stage 3 async/await syntax
  • fetch() and Promise polyfills
  • Importing CSS
  • Creation of final HTML to serve built files
  • Deterministic filename hashing for long-term caching of built files


Node.js >= v4 must be installed.


  • Running npm install in the app's root directory will install everything you need for development.

Development Server

  • npm start will run the app's server at http://localhost:3000.

    If a static build is present in dist/, it will be served.

    Otherwise, a hot-reloading development build will be served using nwb's middleware.

  • npm run build creates a static production build by default.

    To create a static development build, set the NODE_ENV environment variable to development while building.

  • npm run clean will delete built resources from dist/.