
Generate object model class from database

Primary LanguageJava


Tired to loose time to create all your model object class, stop loosing your time !
Generate it directly from your database in only 2 minutes !

Source (Type of Database/file) supported:

  • mysql
  • postgresql
  • sqlite3
  • oracle
  • JSON
  • RAML

Destination (Language of Generated Object) avalaible:

  • Objective-C (.h/.m)
    With init from Dictionary keyObjectMapping
    • AFNetworking API Generation of API framework from RAML/JAPI file with AFNetworking
  • Swift (.swift)
    With init from Dictionary keyObjectMapping
    • AFNetworking API & Bolts Generation of API framework from RAML/JAPI file with AFNetworking and Bolts
  • Java (.java)
    With Json Constructor/Serializer Getter an Setter for each model's object attributes
  • C++ (.cpp/.hh)
  • C# (.cs)
  • NodeJS sequelize (.js)
  • Python Django (.py)


  • python
  • virtualenv
  • pip

OS Supported:

  • unix(osx)/linux

Easy to Use:

  • ./install
    To initialise modelCreator and install dependencies (the project create and use a virtualenv, so nothing will be install outside of the project directory).
  • ./configure
    To configure your Source Database and Destination paramaters.
  • ./run
    To generate your file.
  • ./uninstall
    To uninstall all depencies and temporary output folder containing generated file (virtualenv)