
Activate python virtual environment on directory change

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Tool to automatically activate your python virtual environment inside project folder.

Supported shells:

  • bash
  • fish
  • zsh


You will need cargo:

cargo install pyruve

Add $HOME/.cargo/bin to your path.


Add to your .bashrc (commonly in $HOME/.bashrc):

eval "$(pyruve shell bash)"


Add to your config.fish (commonly in $HOME/.config/fish/config.fish):

pyruve shell fish | source


Add to your .zshrc (commonly in $HOME/.zshrc):

eval "$(pyruve shell zsh)"

How it works?

Binary will return specific command on new instances of shell or change directory based on current venv status.

No venv is active

If you have any of: venv,.venv subdirs with available bin/activate script => it will be activated. Dir list is configurable by PYRUVE_VENV_DIRS env var, list should be delimited by commas like:


It will also try to search combinations of projectdir-{iter of venv dirs} or projectdir_{iter of venv dirs} like pyruve-venv or pyruve_virtenv. This can be disabled via PYRUVE_COMBINE_DIRS env var with any value except:

"true" | "t" | "1" | "on"

Delimiters are configured via PYRUVE_DELIMITERS env var, list should be delimited by commas like:


Venv is active

Going to any child of directory which contains active virtual environment dir will not lead to deactivation. Only parent or completely another dir in tree will cause deactivation. Going to dir with new virtual environment available will also cause activation of new virtual environment.