
Parse and present Intel FSP (Firmware Support Package) information

Primary LanguageGo


fspinfo is a library and command line to parse and present FSP information.

NOTE: fspinfo is now part of the fiano framework. Find it under cmds/fspinfo. So this repository is now deprecated and read-only.

Intel FSP specification 2.0 can be found at https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/technical-specifications/fsp-architecture-spec-v2.pdf .


$ go run github.com/insomniacslk/fspinfo/cmd/fspinfo blobs/ApolloLakeFspBinPkg/Fsp.fd
Signature                   : FSPH
Header Length               : 72
Reserved1                   : 0x0000
Spec Version                : 2.0
Header Revision             : 3
Image Revision              :
Image ID                    : $APLFSP$
Image Size                  : 0x0002a000 172032
Image Base                  : 0x00200000 2097152
Image Attribute             : 0x01 GraphicsDisplaySupported
Component Attribute         : 0x3003 ReleaseBuild|TestRelease|TypeFSP-S (reserved bits are not zeroed)
Cfg Region Offset           : 0x00000124 292
Cfg Region Size             : 0x000003b0 944
Reserved2                   : 0x00000000
TempRAMInit Entry Offset    : 0x00000000 0
Reserved3                   : 0x00000000
NotifyPhase Entry Offset    : 0x00000580 1408
FSPMemoryInit Entry Offset  : 0x00000000 0
TempRAMExit Entry Offset    : 0x00000000 0
FSPSiliconInit Entry Offset : 0x0000058a 1418


Only the FSP 2.0 specification is currently implemented.

The FSP_INFO_EXTENDED_HEADER is not implemented yet.