This project reads in a string of characters from a text file, stores it in a hash table with vectors of Buckets, and outputs a shortened string that “compresses” the original file to create a new deltafile. Each Bucket is a struct that holds a string of a sequence of chars and a vector<int> to hold all possible offsets for that sequence. 

For every sequence of 8-bytes that’s read from newFile, it would add that sequence to the hash table by checking if there's already that sequence in a specific index (determined by a hash function for that sequence), and if it matches the sequence, pushes another offset vector in that Bucket's vector of offsets. If there isn't a Bucket with a matching sequence, then it creates a new Bucket with that sequence value and offset value and adds it to the vector of Buckets at that specific index. 

The folder “p4test” contains files for testing the “compression” algorithm.