
"Proposal and Evaluation of Japanese Toxicity Schema" provides a schema and dataset for toxicity in the Japanese language.

The repository is structured as follows:

  • schema.md: Labeling schema.
  • data/subset.csv: A subset of the dataset used in "Proposal and Evaluation of Japanese Toxicity Schema". Annotation details are described in schema.md.

For Japanese

README_ja.md is written in Japanese.

Dataset Details

data/subset.csv is composed of the following columns:

Column Name Description
id Sentence ID
text Sentence
Not Toxic Toxicity Level: Not Toxic
Hard to Say Toxicity Level: Hard to Say
Toxic Toxicity Level: Toxic
Very Toxic Toxicity Level: Very Toxic
category_卑語 Toxicity Category: Dignity
category_差別 Toxicity Category: Discrimination
category_迷惑行為 Toxicity Category: Harassment
category_猥褻 Toxicity Category: Obscenity
category_出会い・プライバシー侵害 Toxicity Category: Privacy
category_違法行為 Toxicity Category: Illegal
category_偏向表現 Toxicity Category: Bias
annotation_num Number of Annotators