
Technical task for the position as Senior MLOps Engineer

Primary LanguagePython


Assignment for the MLOps position at Utopia Music.


This repo contains the code to run a pipeline that comprises the several steps:

  • load raw audio data from a given folder;
  • process the audio files into mel-spectrograms, and save each as .npy file;
  • create a tf.data.Dataset with the processed data and the automatically-extracted labels;
  • build a ML model based on the user's specifications;
  • train, evaluate and save the model within an mlflow experiment run.

Project structure

The main files and folders of this repo are:

  • src.pipeline.classes. The folder contains the main classes and interface that are being used in the pipeline:
    • MNISTAudioDataset provides an API to build the dataset starting from a list of files. The class assumes each file is an element of the dataset.
    • Extractor provides an API for extracting audio features from an input in form of np.array. The different audio feature extractors can be implemented inheriting from this abstract class.
    • CNNModel provides an API for building and compiling a CNN model. Some of the arguments required at class initialisation are InputShape, which defines the input dimensions for the model, and ConvSpec, which define how a tf.Keras.layers.Conv2D layer shall be built. The model can also be customised in terms of no. of hidden layers, name and no. of output classes.
    • Processor provides an API for the data preprocessing step. In this code, an instance of Processor will be passed an instance of Extractor as input argument, i.e. it has an efferent coupling with the processor.
  • steps.py. The script contains the different steps the pipeline is made of. Each step represents a task in Airflow terminology. The main idea underlying the script is to model a task in a single function in a way such that it should be possible to build a airflow.DAG that pipes all the functions wrapped in PythonOperator classes.
  • script.py provides an entrypoint for running the whole pipeline. When invoked, it creates an mlflow experiment and a model artefact. The model is saved inside the local model folder, whereas the experiment tracking logs are stored inside the local mlruns folder and can be further accessed through a browser window when running mlflow ui.


To run the pipeline, use the snippet below. It is assumed that a recordings/ folder lives inside the project folder and you can provide a config.YAML with all the necessary specs to configure the pipeline. For further details on what parameters the pipeline needs for it to run, you can inspect the examples inside the config folder.

The config.yaml is required, otherwise the script will fail to run.

pip install -r requirements.txt
python script.py --config <your-config-file>

To load the model, you can run the following snippet inside the REPL:

import tensorflow as tf

model_folder = "model"
model = tf.keras.models.load_model(model_folder)

Server run

You will find the same code under /home/ubuntu/utopia-mlops-assignment. There, you will have:

  • mlruns folder -where experiment logs are stored. Each run has its own uuid and subfolder with e.g. params, metrics etc. As an example, to inspect accuracy for experiment 1
ubuntu@ml-mattia-patern-wattmsam:~/utopia-mlops-assignment$ cat mlruns/1/622979359eed417fb83ff3be279c4ed5/metrics/accuracy
1646494486641 0.20000000298023224 0
1646494486881 0.3499999940395355 1
1646494487026 0.5 2
1646494487121 0.699999988079071 3
1646494487263 0.7749999761581421 4
1646494487408 0.699999988079071 5
1646494487550 0.8500000238418579 6
1646494487695 0.8500000238418579 7
1646494487836 0.8999999761581421 8
1646494487982 0.9750000238418579 9
  • model folder - where trained models are saved (see above for how to load the model);
  • two logs file with format experiment-name.log where Python stdout is piped in. This gives information such as model summary, training and evaluation stats per epoch and IO specs.

You can find the DAG definition for Airflow inside /home/ubuntu/airflow/dags/ml_pipeline.py


The pipeline structure and the code are yet to be a fully, production-ready application due to different factors. I would like to share some observations and ideas about possible future enhancement alongside some pain points I have encountered during the assignment.

Observations on the coding part

First and foremost, I spent too much time trying to rework the training part given the change in output format for the spectrogram i.e. from .png to .npy. That is, building the dataset in a tf.data.Dataset format took much time as the original version was using some image-specific utils. I considered using tfio and therefore computing audio spectrograms within the TensorFlow environment - thus mimicking what Valerio did in his videos when using torchaudio. However, I was not familiar with this library and I found the documentation not optimal overall. Furthermore, I considered using a more traditional approach for the dataset based on np.array structure for features and labels - though I really though exploring the Dataset API was worth it.

Secondly, I decided not to focus on the transformations on the dataset i.e. flipping and rotating images, as I found them not relevant anymore since the change in feature domain. For further exploration, I would consider the techniques shown in SpecAugment. All in all, my initial idea was to pick a framework and try to stick with it for the most part, thus the idea of leaning towards tfio.audio. Nevertheless, I still believe that librosa provides an easy and safe framework for all audio things.

Finally, I have not been able to rid the code of all hard-coded stuff and ad-hoc implementation e.g. in random and non-exhaustive order:

  • when shuffling the dataset the code still depends on the hard-coded size of the full dataset;
  • the input shape for the model is coupled to the shape of each processed audio file, that the model will fail is e.g. the audio file duration changes.
  • most of the IO functions rely on the use of Path, and generators of them;
  • there should be a more general definition of dataset;
  • there could be a more general Model interface, from which CNNModel could inherit;
  • tests are missing for all classes so that input and output are validated;
  • error handling is not in place, that is, there are no custom exception thrown by the classes in case of failure and no process to cope with such failure (such as Either types);
  • docstrings are missing for all classes.

Ideally, we would like to impute such dynamic values as input shape, dataset size etc. during the preprocessing task and store them as metadata so that they could be used in downstream steps.

With respect to the ad-hoc implementations, althoughI believe the use of Path and friends for some sort of lazy loading is a good approach, there should be an alternative e.g. such functions could take either a path, or a string or a list of them, and the function could handle each case accordingly.

Observation on MLOps tools


mlflow is being use for experiment tracking, as it is quite easy to set up and to include inside the pipeline. However, a couple of thoughts on its use:

  • mlflow.start_run() is part of the pipeline in the example script. One idea could be to use the decorator pattern, in which the context manager is set inside a decorator function. The decorator could then be applied to the training function only.
  • as far as I understood, mlflow creates a folder called mlruns inside the folder where the library is imported. I haven't investigated on whether there could be a general folder, and where to define it (I assume there is a config file for the general Mlflow settings). Nevertheless, if the experiments are not saved inside such a folder, as in the case of the Airflow execution, nothing would show up when running mlflow ui. (See below for Airflow.)


As said above, the idea underlying the functions in steps.py is to have a function per task. That is, they can all be combined inside a DAG: thus, the choice of Airflow. Moreover, I would expect that not all pipelines require e.g. to set up the folder structure for the dataset. With that said, my initial idea was to:

  • build an Airflow DAG for the pipeline;
  • have optional tasks as described above;
  • pass on the output of one task as input for the next one, as in the case of setting InputShape for the model;
  • have the mlflow experiment run from within airflow.

However, there were some troubles that did not let me successfully get to the desired outcome. Furthermore, I had some doubts in how to organise the code and what strategy to pursue. I will give a few examples for both below.

The examples refer to experiments with my local Airflow setup for convenience - I could access the UI.

Initially, I thought of invoking the Python script as a test that everything was working properly in the Airflow scheduler. To do so, I used the Airflow BashOperator which allows to execute a Shell command. I used BashOperator because I wanted to keep the scripts outside of the local dags folder, and using PythonOperator to run the python callable would result in some ad-hoc sys.append(), which I didn't want the DAG script to pollute with. However, this failed at first because of required Python dependencies. There can be several possible solutions, which I haven't fully explored:

  • using PythonVirtualenvOperator to set up a venv for each task given a list of requirements;
  • using DockerOperator to self-contain the task in its Docker image;
  • packaging the pipeline and use it as dependency;
  • move the code inside the dags folder so to avoid appending paths for the interpreter;
  • installing the required dependencies in the target system.

Eventually, I went for the last option as it is the easiest and the dependencies are few. However, I do not believe this could be any good for a production setup and I think that using Docker images together with some image repository could be favourable in order to keep the system tidy.

Moving on, I realised that it is not that easy to have data transit between tasks. Airflow documentation suggests to use XCom for short messages and remote storage for bigger data, such as S3. That means I would have to change the way the functions in script.py, i.e. the tasks, fetch or read the parameters they need.

Lastly, I did try to run the dag from within Airflow. Although the execution was successful, I could not see any result when checking for the experiment run. As I found out from logging some of the Path().resolve() code, Airflow has its own internal setup where temporary files and/or folder can be created and/or accessed. As an example, the absolute path of one of the logging was /private/var/..., which did not reflect the idea that I was having, namely the absolute path would be the one where the DAG script lives. This had some unexpected consequences:

  • I could no longer use dynamic path resolution for the YAML config file, nor the recordings folder as the
  • resolution would be wrong when running the code from within Airflow;
  • All paths should be static, i.e. dataset path, model folder path etc. That is, the code should be changed to
  • reflect this and to properly fetch and load data in its right place;
  • I could not find the automatically generated mlruns folder and therefore access the experiment run logs.


The MLOps setup I had in mind consisted of:

  • Mlflow for experiment tracking and logging;
  • Airflow for pipeline orchestration and scheduling.

The scheduler would run the pipeline as a number of tasks defined inside the codebase. Since the codebase makes use of mlflow as its dependency, the pipeline is assigned an experiment name and a run ID. The experiment can then be accessed from MLflow UI.

However, because of Airflow's own way of running scheduled jobs, the logs about the experiment and the Mlflow autogenerated mlruns folder that contains them cannot be found at the expected location. Therefore, it is not possible to inspect experiment logs, nor the model artefact with the current setup.

Nevertheless, the pipeline can be run manually using script.py and providing a YAML config file. Doing so, the experiment tracking logs can be found in project folder.