
We're building the new UI of Inspire. Your task is to create the awesome search ListItemView and detail ItemView pages using the Inspire REST API.

Please fork this repository, we have already setup a React application for you 😄

The exercise is to develop the pages mentioned above and commit your work step-by-step with clear messages. You could use any library that you think is useful for this task. When you are ready, please email us back with the link of your fork.

You should not spend more than 1 hour in this exercise!

🎉 Good Luck and Happy Coding! 🎉


Using the INSPIRE REST API, create a view with a list of records. The UI should be simple and display the main info from the API response (first title and abstract). Clicking on the title displays the ItemView for the selected record. Mockup:


API endpoint:

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How to run

yarn start

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Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

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yarn test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.
