Collection of decorators to create typed Next.js API routes, with easy request validation and transformation.
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Not working with Next 14.2.5
#641 opened by arvindknit31 - 1
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Status of Next-Api-Decorators
#639 opened by g-monroe - 1
Please support for app/api folder
#618 opened by thienthanit04 - 1
Cross-mention next-wednesday
#638 opened by finom - 4
Not working on NextJS app router
#614 opened by thienthanit04 - 0
Allow to provide the handler instance
#637 opened by snordquist - 1
Problems when running unit tests with Jest where the ValidationPipe is not triggered.
#635 opened by arnarleifs - 5
Issue with @Body of post
#636 opened by harddownloader - 0
Custom Validation pipe option not working
#627 opened by reynoldputra - 0
Run middleware also after the handler
#609 opened by IuliiaBondarieva - 0
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Validation pipe doesn't work
#560 opened by fake364 - 1
Invoking api endpoint throws error
#592 opened by Unicodist - 1
Any named export would fail from working in vercel
#597 opened by yoty66 - 1
TS Error: Unable to resolve signature of method decorator when called as an expression.
#591 opened by khuongtp - 0
Middleware params
#581 opened by VigilioYonatan - 5
- 0
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@Catch all decorator does not pass through the error thrown, but always is of type `InternalServerErrorException`
#551 opened by icazemier - 1
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Routing - path param not matching
#554 opened by crossinghoods - 0
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Path-to-regexp buggs methods / routes?
#530 opened by xarielah - 3
2.0.1-beta.1 does not work on Windows
#486 opened by stevemu - 3
Failed to match deep nested route
#482 opened by trungtin - 2
- 4
- 1
Exception Thrown when requesting declared path
#519 opened by punteroo - 7
Body validation always throwing an error
#487 opened by leahtopchik - 0
Zod for Validation
#479 opened by ChristoRibeiro - 2
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NextJS 12 fails to compile
#459 opened by anthonyalayo - 6
An unknown error occurred
#457 opened by snake-py - 4
Body validation/transform does not work
#444 opened by mathcrln - 3
ValidationPipe ignores empty body
#441 opened by impeas - 4
Doesn't work with native rewrites of NextJS
#436 opened by abriginets - 6
Dynamic Routes don't Match Sub-Routes when the Parameter Value Contains Hyphens
#434 opened by tpjnorton - 1
Support for query objects
#418 opened by hrougier - 4
Testing API Routes
#379 opened by tpjnorton - 2
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Body Validation Doesn't Work
#402 opened by anthonyalayo - 3
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[docs] Add instructions for usage with SWC
#381 opened by mprasanjith - 1
API returning 500
#393 opened by coughlanio - 1
ParseNumberPipe({ nullable: true })) not work
#364 opened by BaurinVladislav