
High-security temporary URI generator

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Desviar - High-security redirection

This is a Ruby-based app server built on Sinatra to create preauthorized time-limited, random URIs used in devops deployment scripts or in web applications such as confirmation emails. Your scenario is that you have a database, repository or webserver (possibly behind a firewall) that needs to stay both hidden and secure, but you need to provide a means for a script to invoke an API call or for a remote user to click a direct link to fetch a specific item from its hidden source without presenting credentials.

It operates similarly to TinyURL or the Amazon S3 temporary-URI feature: provide the tool with the URI and credentials to an existing secure resource, specify a number of seconds you want to authorize references to it, and you'll get back a temporary URI good for that amount of time. An analogy is the inexpensive key-card issued by a hotel's desk clerk: to access secure content in the room, you first need to present your credit-card credentials; your room key is all you need thereafter, at least until the key expires. The hotel remains secure even if you keep the key after checkout.

You can set up desviar on a DMZ network or in the cloud behind an iptables/nginx configuration to provide whatever ACL restrictions you want, and you can reference any source URI (not just those stored on S3 or an equivalent service).

Secure content is encrypted and cached in memory (sqlite3) by default; for troubleshooting, you can store content in a file and/or turn off encryption.


These directions have been tested on Ubuntu 12.10 and OpenSUSE 12.3.

From github

Clone this repo and perform the following:

git clone https://github.com/instantlinux/desviar.git
cd desviar
cp config/config.rb.example config/config.rb
sudo apt-get install -y make g++ libsqlite3-dev ruby-dev
#  package names above may differ if not using Ubuntu
sudo gem install bundler
sudo bundle install
export RUBYLIB=`pwd`/lib
rackup -p 4567
From rubygems.org

Gem Version Invoke the following:

sudo apt-get install -y make g++ libsqlite3-dev ruby-dev
sudo gem install desviar
wget https://raw.github.com/instantlinux/desviar/master/config.ru
wget https://raw.github.com/instantlinux/desviar/master/config/config.rb.example
cp config.rb.example config.rb
export DESVIAR_CONFIG=`pwd`/config.rb
rackup -p 4567


In your browser, the app's default credential upon installation is user desviar, pw password.


  • /create - generate a new pre-authenticated URI
  • /desviar/xxx - retrieve pre-authenticated content (if a URISUFFIX was specified, it must be appended to xxx)
  • /list - display a table of most-recently uploaded URIs
  • /link/nnn - retrieve details
  • /config - set runtime configuration

For scripting, the list, link and config commands can be modified with a /json suffix (e.g. /config/json) to generate json instead of html output. Script examples for Ruby and bash are provided in the examples directory.

Security notes: Consider moving the default database location from /dev/shm/desviar, and set its permissions to 0600. You can modify config.ru to direct log output to a different file.

User credentials: A file called .htdigest is part of this package (see https://raw.github.com/instantlinux/desviar/master/config/.htdigest); you can customize the list using the htdigest utility (get it from htdigest-ruby and define environment variable DESVIAR_HTDIGEST with the pathname of your customized file. The configuration parameter adminuser defines a "super-user" which can view/set configuration at run-time, and can access records other than its own via the list and link commands.

Features implemented

  • HTTP digest authentication for client API and user interface
  • Multiple credentials, with designated adminuser
  • Parse htdigest (password) file
  • Bypass authentication for generated URIs
  • Basic HTTP authentication for remote URIs
  • HTTP digest authentication for remote URIs
  • reCAPTCHA challenge for generated URIs
  • Listing of database contents
  • Choice of static or dynamic (REST) configuration
  • Encrypted database
  • Memcached storage (for performance at scale)
  • Pre-shared/concealed URI suffix
  • Activity log output (syslog)
  • Database cleanup tool
  • Tested under Ruby 1.9.3


Created under Apache license by rich braun, July 2013.

Copyright 2013 Richard Braun

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Apache.org