Ganja Bot

Ganja Bot is a fun Discord bot that responds with hilarious and Indian-themed messages when specific users join a voice channel. It also includes some playful commands to entertain your friends.


  • Custom Messages: Sends messages in a specified text channel when specific users join a common voice channel.
    • Rate Limiting: Messages are sent only once per hour per monitored user to prevent flooding. Each user is limited to 8 messages per 24 hours.
  • Gender-Based Nickname Assignment: Automatically changes the nickname of users who join the specified voice channel to a Ganja and Nashedi-themed nickname based on their gender. Users with the "female" role are assigned feminine nicknames, while others receive masculine ones.
  • Fun Commands:
    • !chakna: Suggests different types of snacks.
    • !nashe: Shares funny trip-related thoughts.
    • !gyan: Provides some stoner wisdom.
    • !maal: Displays items related to the stoner experience.
    • !roll: Rolls a random number between 1 and 100.


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd GanjaBot
  2. Install Dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Configure the Bot:

    • Replace YOUR_BOT_TOKEN in with your Discord bot token.
    • Replace CHANNEL_ID and VC_ID with the IDs of your text and voice channels.
    • Set FEMALE_ROLE_NAME to the name of the role used to identify female users on your server.
  4. Run the Bot:



  • Python 3.8+
  • library


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.