Trips management

Application for management of trips.

Getting Started

Application use Google login as only mean of registration/login (google-sign-in). All users must register and be approved by admin before being able to login. For this reason admin user must be seeded into application database. See setup DB chapter to find all necessary information.

All users can be restricted to hosted domain, see Environmental variables.


  • node 8
  • yarn
  • docker, docker-compose (for database)


Clone the repository

git clone ; cd Cestovne-prikazy

Start by installing the dependencies:

yarn install

The application needs a running Mongo instance for it to work. It can be pointed to any such instance. It can be set by setting the environment variable MONGO_URL to an url in this format:


If no mongo instance is readily available, the repository contains a docker compose file to quickly start a new instance:

pushd db
docker-compose up -d

No authentication will be used by default. If it is required, read instructions at mongo docker page.

The application also requires some secret files that are not present in the repository:

  • secrets/key.pem - private and public key

Those can be generated by running:

openssl genrsa -out ./secrets/key.pem 2048

and then extracting the Base64 content into private.key and public.pem files.

Setup DB

Database is not initialized with default admin user due to Google login as only mean of user registration and login (you would need to supply google_id and email). Instead of it, create user via Google login and then use following command to grant user with given email admin rights (can approve other users via GUI) and approved status (can login into app).

yarn promote-user --email=<google_email>


If using the dockerized mongo instance with no authentication, the server can be run by this command:

yarn server

Otherwise, mongo url needs to be set:

MONGO_URL=mongodb://user:pass@localhost:port/database yarn server

Environmental variables

When server is running, various environmental variables are used.

Server environmental variables to generate and send emails. When some of SMTP options are not set, emails are not sent.

BASE_URL - root url of frontend webpage
APPROVAL_MAIL_RECEIVER - email address to send emails about new leaves to
MAIL_SENDER - name of email sender
DEFAULT_TIMEZONE - default timezone used to format datetime in emails, 
                   if not set, 'Europe/Bratislava' is used

Server environmental variables for Google login. When HOSTED_DOMAIN is set, all users must belong to given hosted domain, otherwise they won't be able to register/login.

Attendence API

Endpoint to get attendence of users for given year and month (supply month as integer from 1 (January) to 12 (December)) /api/attendence/:year/:month

This endpoint uses following environment variables:

M2M_USERNAME - username for HTTP Basic authentication
M2M_PASSWORD - password for HTTP Basic authentication
SSO_URI      - URI of SSO Metadata endpoint to get all keys for users
SSO_USERNAME - SSO username used for HTTP Basic authentication
SSO_PASSWORD - SSO password used for HTTP Basic authentication

You need to run the client and server application. Client side is run by issuing yarn start command:

yarn start

Client environmental variables for Google login (e.g. in .env.local). When REACT_APP_HOSTED_DOMAIN is set, only emails of given domain are shown in Google login form.

Running the tests

yarn test

Coding style tests

The project uses ESLint for docing style tests. You can run them by:

yarn lint

Automatic fixing can be done by running:

yarn format


Build docker

# assumes build env variables are set
docker build --build-arg REACT_APP_HOSTED_DOMAIN --build-arg REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID -t cestaky:master .

# just example: needs -e params to work properly
docker run --rm --name cestaky -v "/$(pwd)/secrets:/opt/app/secrets" -p 4100:4100 cestaky:master

See also

Subproject for leaves management

Built With