
Setting "color" property breaks outer circle selection

RocketRonz opened this issue · 3 comments

Both the ColorPicker and TriangleColorPicker work perfectly with RN 0.63.2 when the "color" property is NOT used.

When this property is set, the outer circle no longer registers a tap on either component. The TriangleColorPicker does update the color when tapping within the triangle, but the marker does not move to the new position.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, cheers.

Can only assume that this component is no longer being supported, a real shame as it looks great & very nearly works perfectly.

what are you setting the color prop to be? share the code of it please might be able to help :)

Just a simple picker with the color prop set to an RGB Hex value will break the component, have also tried toHsv('red') but makes no difference:

<TriangleColorPicker style={{width: 200, height: 200}} color="#ffffff" />

Using the latest version of the component (0.6.0), happens on both Android and iOS devices.