- 2
- 0
Warning: Picker has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release
#54 opened by voulgarakis - 4
TypeError (TS2740) sliderComponent
#41 opened by Hektar90 - 0
Add Black Color Option
#53 opened by knightmate - 0
Fixed the issue for future release of React Native (removal of Slider extracted from react-native)
#50 opened by Hassan-Naeem-code - 10
Warning: Slider has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release
#22 opened by smartcris - 1
How to label the sliders
#49 opened by Jake-Mulhern - 1
Change Slider Colors
#48 opened by Jake-Mulhern - 3
- 2
- 0
Holo color picker outer circle missing on ios
#45 opened by Salalf01 - 5
- 2
#27 opened by cristea2017 - 6
Handle touchRelease
#9 opened by paul-git - 0
- 8
Can't install properly
#36 opened by nachiket-asbuilt - 2
IPicker type declarations problem
#33 opened by artus9033 - 2
- 3
custom button and props for TriangleColorPicker
#31 opened by dmko1610 - 1
Restrict colors for picker
#26 opened by sarafhbk - 6
- 32
- 0
Not Giving Colors Except Black Color
#30 opened by monicse09ku - 3
- 1
Outer circle missing with RN62
#25 opened by carstenblt - 1
-16777216}] is not usable
#15 opened by fernandokarnagi - 2
onColorSelected prototype claims (color: HsvColor) arg, but it's actually (color: string)
#18 opened by seasox - 1
- 0
Feature Request: Show selected color string
#21 opened by IntricusAdmin - 1
- 0
How to change size color circle?
#11 opened by PhuongNguyenETIT - 1
What does controlled/uncontrolled mean?
#5 opened by smyth64 - 2
Getting Unexpected token export
#2 opened by comlaterra