
Menu not working on IOS with RN-navigation, fine on Android

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I have the menu working fine in my Android environment...the top level component is wrapping with

I am now trying it in IOS, and when I click, nothing happens...the menu doesn't pop-up. In addition, it seems to freeze all the other actions in the component, other actions become unresponsive and I have to restart the application to get it back to working order.

Any ideas or changes I need to make in IOS to get this working??
This is running on a Iphone simulator with version 12.2 of the IOS software.

can you provide us sample project eg. as expo snack? You can use as a base if you want.

the point of snacks is that you can actually run examples on your devices - which I can't in your case. But at least I see some code.

It looks that sidedrawer is not your root component, doesn't it? Because MenuProvider should be always at the very root of your application.

It wouldn't be easy to replicate a working example here..I'm using react-native-navigation which changes how you wrap the application. Upon logging in, the Navigation is used to direct to 2 separate components...the "main" component and a sidedawer component, which is where I have wrapping.

Again, this works on it appears I have the code setup properly? Could it be something with my IOS environment? Anything I can check?

not necessarily. the IOS and Android handles differently z-Index and it can be the issue. hard to tell.

some solution, I present the same problem in ios platform

is it problem only inside RNN side drawer or is it problem also on other screens?

it seems that only happens with RNN

+1 i got the same error today, still not working on ios...

This plugin still not working on iOS, did someone find the solution already ?

You can solve this issue by providing to each screen where

is using. It's not working on IOS when place in _layout file.