
A work-in-progress 2D game engine based on FNA.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Instant2D is a code-first game framework built for convenience and ease of use. It is currently work in progress (as this page and repository lol), so things constantly change! Most of the vital stuff is up and running now, and multiple unique concepts have been implemented.


Every entity may have its own timescale value, which will influence how fast its update logic gets triggered.

Transform Interpolation

Entity position, rotation and scales are interpolated according to actual time flow. Combined with the Timescale feature, this makes for amazingly smooth slow-mo effects and support for monitors with high refresh rate rarely seen in 2D games.

You can easily adjust the timestep logic to fit your project the best!


Instant2D features an asset pipeline which is easy to use, understand and extend. You can easily define your own loaders, apply hot reloading logic to them, load assets on-demand or immediately.

using Instant2D.Assets;

class ExampleLoader : IAssetLoader {
    public IEnumerable<Asset> Load(AssetManager assets) {
        using var stream = assets.OpenStream("hello_world.txt");
        using var reader = new StreamReader(stream);

        yield return new Asset<string>("example/hello_world", reader.ReadToEnd());

Repositories allow to read assets from a packed source (such as a .zip file), folder or groups of packed files. You can extend it to support any file system!

By default, it will read assets directly from the assets folder (configurable).

Sprite Manifests

A powerful json-based manifest format which allows you to define properties of sprite assets. Supports frame-based animation, which features custom keyframe events, sprite points and alot more!

You can setup a sprite to be split into multiple different sprites or define rectangles of an image manually and adjust sprite's origin (absolute or normalized).

Using the hot reload system, you can fine-tune manifest files and sprites themselves, and all the changes will be reflected in real-time!

You don't have to define everything in manifests, as entries for all sprite assets (not currently present in defined manifests) will be automatically generated using default values!

    "sprite_name": {
        // absolute origin
        "origin": [12, 12],

        // or relative origin (should be decimal!)
        "origin": [0.5, 0.5],

        // split the spritesheet by evenly sized cells
        "split": [32, 32],

        // or split by frame count
        "split": 12,

        // or split by manual rects
        "split": {
            "sub_1": [0, 0, 24, 24],

            "sub_2": {
                // origin of child sprites may also be overriden
                "region": [24, 0, 24, 24],
                "origin": [9, 24]

        // optional animation definition
        "animation": {
            "fps": 12,

            // customizable keyframe events you can define handles for
            "events": [
                // format is: [frame_index, event_name, [args]]
                [0, "play_sound", "sfx/example"],

                // 'point' event is built-in and allows to define moving or static points on the sprite
                // an API to get them with transformations applied is present in all SpriteRenderers!
                [1, "point", [14, 16]]

    "another_sprite": {
        // copy all properties from "sprite_name"!
        "inherit": "sprite_name",

        // you can override some if you want
        "origin": [0.5, 0]