
Simple and pratical security gate for Github Security Alerts

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Security Gate

Simple and pratical security gate for Github Security Alerts


This is a project that allows you to use a Security Gate within Github, using Actions and your project's Security Alerts as an information base. Currently only Dependabot Alerts are supported, soon we will have support for Secrets and Security Advisories Alerts.

You can define a vulnerability policy based on impact i.e. the number of vulnerabilities per threat, and automatically block your CI/CD pipeline if these policies are not met. This ensures that your application has greater protection, preventing codes that contain known threats from being deployed in production.

Github Actions

You need to create a token with read access to Security Alerts and configure it within the Secrets resource of your repository, then: In your repository, create a YAML file at: .github/workflows/security-gate.yml with this content:

name: Security Gate - Instriq

      - main
      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      MAX_HIGH: 2
      MAX_MEDIUM: 3
      MAX_LOW: 4
      GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }}
    - name: Checkout repository
      uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Pull Docker image from GitHub Container Registry
      run: docker pull ghcr.io/instriq/security-gate/security-gate:latest

    - name: Verify security alerts from dependabot
      run: |
        docker run ghcr.io/instriq/security-gate/security-gate:latest \
        -t $GITHUB_TOKEN \
        -r ${{ github.repository }} \
        --critical $MAX_CRITICAL \
        --high $MAX_HIGH \
        --medium $MAX_MEDIUM \
        --low $MAX_LOW

If you want to use local

# Download
$ git clone https://github.com/instriq/security-gate && cd security-gate
# Install libs dependencies
$ sudo cpanm --installdeps .

# Basic usage
$ perl security-gate.pl --help

Security Gate v0.0.3
Core Commands
	Command          Description
	-------          -----------
        -t, --token      GitHub token
        -r, --repo       GitHub repository
        -c, --critical   Critical severity limit
        -h, --high       High severity limit
        -m, --medium     Medium severity limit
        -l, --low        Low severity limit 

Docker container

$ docker build -t security-gate .
$ docker run -ti --rm security-gate -t <GITHUB_TOKEN> -r <organization/repository> --critical 1 --high 2 --medium 3 --low 5


Your contributions and suggestions are heartily ♥ welcome. See here the contribution guidelines. Please, report bugs via issues page and for security issues, see here the security policy. (✿ ◕‿◕)


This work is licensed under MIT License.