
Source code for Poly-TensorSketch

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Polynomial Tensor Sketch

MATLAB implementation for Polynomial Tensor Sketch for Element-wise Function of Low-Rank Matrix (ICML 2020)


Run install.m to compile mex files in ./mexfunctions and add paths:

>> install


Run run_kernel_approx.m with a proper input for kernel approximation tasks:

>> run_kernel_approx('synthetic')
segment dataset is loaded, n=2310, d=19
PTS (coreset) error: 0.001349
RFF           error: 0.022135
>> run_kernel_approx('segment') 
segment dataset is loaded, n=2310, d=19
PTS (coreset) error: 0.000176
RFF           error: 0.003045
>> run_kernel_approx('satimage') 
satimage dataset is loaded, n=4435, d=36
PTS (coreset) error: 0.000097
RFF           error: 0.008614