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We've not implemented yet. Please see our wiki to see what we will implement.
- Sprint1: 이영재
- Sprint2: 황인성
- Sprint3: 이영재
- Sprint4: 황인성
- Sprint5: 송호준
- Sprint6: 송호준
- Clone repository
$ git clone https://github.com/swsnu/swpp18-team12.git
$ cd swpp18-team12
- Run backend server
$ cd backend
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cd snuclub
$ DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=snuclub.settings.local python manage.py runserver
- Run frontend server
$ yarn
$ yarn start
Tab size is 2 spaces in html and typescript
Tab size is 4 spaces in python
Type script code style follows our tslint.json
and python code style follows PEP 8
as possibe as you can
We use rebase and squash instead of merge to ensure the log message is clean.
git checkout your_barnch
git fetch origin
git rebase -i origin/master
... confilct resolve ...
git push origin your branch
Capitalize the subject line
Use the imperative mood in the subject line
Fixed typo(x)
Fix typo(o)
: Feature branches are used when developing a new feature or enhancement . No matter when the feature branch will be finished, it will always be merged back into the master branch.
: Bug branches will be created when there is a bug on the live site that should be fixed and merged into the next deployment. No matter when the bug branch will be finished, it will always be merged back into master.
pr description should contain the following
#### What does this PR do?
#### Description of Task to be completed?
- something
- something
#### How should this be manually tested?
If pr includes migrations, you should label it need migrations
If pr includes a modification of our secret file, you should label it update secret
At least 2 reviewers are required for pr to merge!