
WHMCS Dynadot registrar module using API v3

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

WHMCS Dynadot Registrar Module

Author: Myles McNamara (get@smyl.es)
Current Release: 2.0.0

The only Dynadot WHMCS module I could find was old, outdated, and really didn't even work anymore. Because the only thing that worked was to register a new domain name, I decided to go ahead and create a new module myself.

If there is an update available you will know when you login to your WHMCS installation as you will see an update notice:

update notice


Feature Status Comments
Register released Register domain name
Renew released Renew domain name
Get Nameservers released Get current nameservers for output in client area
Set Nameservers released Set nameservers from client area
Create Nameserver planned Ability to create custom nameserver
WHOIS Contact planned Ability to create, edit, or remove custom WHOIS contact
Set WHOIS planned Ability to set WHOIS details on domain
Set Privacy planned Ability to add WHOIS privacy to domain
Set Forwarding planned Ability to set forwarding on domain
Delete Domain planned Remove and refund domain when in grace period (minus fees)
Transfer not possible Dynadot's API does not support (which is lame)


All of these files need to be placed inside a directory called dynadot inside the /modules/registrars directory of your WHMCS installation. The ultimate installation should be /modules/registrars/dynadot.

You can use git to clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/tripflex/whmcs-dynadot.git dynadot

Or download the lastest release and unzip to the /modules/registrars directory.


You must first configure the module with your API key from Dyandot, go to Setup > Products/Services > Domain Registrars and enable the Dynadot module. You then need to click on Configure and enter your API key.

Get your Dynadot API key here


I purposely put plenty of debugging inside of this module, so if you go to Utilities > Logs > Module Log from the menu in your WHMCS installation, once you enable debug logging you will see plenty of debug output from the module.

If you still have issues, find a bug, or want to suggest a feature/enhancement, post it here on GitHub.