--- 1/7/2021 Story Time. This was created in early 2020, when I had a project about html and css, we were supposed to use Google Sites and embed a custom html block into it for a grade; criteria based on looks and information. I wanted to work inside VSCode, so I did it here. If I can remember correctly, I spent a whole week on this, from noon to night, and unfortunately, it didn't scale nicely in the html block, so I wrote the whole thing as a seperate thing. Ironically, when I told my technology teacher the situtation and how they could view it properly, they didn't unzip it. So, the html, css, and images couldn't link together. I got a bad grade. Meh, I don't know what to say, I remember I joked about this forever and I seldomly bring this up to others when I do remember it. I was mad when it first happened but later it just became a funny story to tell. As you can see just from taking a glance at the source... I wasn't very knowledgeable at all. I don't know why I uploaded this. Happy reading, and spend your time on something more valuable. --- All HTML files and scripts have been typed by -Real Name-. Circular Std Medium downloaded from https://www.cufonfonts.com/font/circular-std, uploader: Ahnaf Tahmid Shopnil, Designed by Laurenz Brunner. css3.png made by daPhyre and/or Rudloff on Wikimedia https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:CSS3_and_HTML5_logos_and_wordmarks.svg https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:CSS3_logo_and_wordmark.svg Honorable sources from w3schools https://www.w3schools.com/, toptal https://www.toptal.com/designers/htmlarrows/, and Mozilla https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary for references and examples to help me understand accurately the syntax.
A guide to CSS3, created in early 2020 with my lack of expertise.