A strongly typed Pylon API client. https://pylon.bot/
Tpy is a small and simplistic Deno module that provides an easier way to interact with the Pylon API. It provides the following qualities:
- 🧬 Cross runtime support.
- 🔑 Fully typed APIs.
- 🗺 Developer-friendly error interface.
- 📄 Extensive documentation.
- 📞 Keep-alive WebSocket client.
The API documentation can be viewed on the Deno website.
It was considered for Tpy to become an ESModule project for Node.js, however, many projects are still built on CommonJS, a module system specific to Node.
To combat this, Tpy now ships an *-esm
version of the package, allowing users
to install the desired module system without downloading the other that will not
be used. For example: 1.0.0-RC-2
ships CommonJS, 1.0.0-RC-2-esm
npm install tpy
yarn add tpy
pnpm add tpy
If you would like to use Tpy in the browser, considering vendoring dependencies to download the type dependencies locally.
const client = new Tpy({ token: "PYLON_TOKEN" });
const { displayName, id } = await client.getUser();
console.log(`Logged in as ${displayName} (<@${id}>).`);
const client = new Tpy({ token: "PYLON_TOKEN" });
const ws = client.connectSocket(
await client.getDeploymentIDfromGuild("GUILD_ID")),
ws.on("open", (_) => console.log("WebSocket Opened"));
ws.on("error", (_) => _);
// The array matches the console log parameter types.
ws.on<[string, string, number]>(
({ data }) =>
console.log(`${data[0]} said "${data[1]}" and sent ${data[2]} attachment(s).`),
// Remember this!
await ws.connect();
With the following Pylon code:
discord.on("MESSAGE_CREATE", async (message) => {
// string
// string
// number
const client = new Tpy({ token: "PYLON_TOKEN" });
const guildStats = await client.getGuildStats("GUILD_ID");
const mostRecent = guildStats.find((e) =>
e.date === Math.min(...guildStats.map((e) => e.date))
const { date, events, executionMsAvg } = mostRecent;
const mostRecentDateFormatted = new Date(date * 1000).toDateString();
`On ${mostRecentDateFormatted}, there was a total of ${events} events with an average execution time of ${executionMsAvg} (in ms).`,
const client = new Tpy({
token: "PYLON_TOKEN",
deploymentID: "DEPLOYMENT_ID",
const { config } = await client.getDeployment();
const { cronTasks } = config.tasks;
const { events } = config;
const cronTasksFormatted = cronTasks.map(({ cronString, name }) =>
` ${name} (${cronString})`
`Listening to ${events.length} discord event(s):
${events.join(", ")}\n`,
`Running ${cronTasks.length} cron job(s):\n${cronTasksFormatted.join("\n")}`,
const client = new Tpy({ token: "PYLON_TOKEN" });
const kvnamespace = "tags";
const kv = client.KV(
await client.getDeploymentIDfromGuild("GUILD_ID"),
const keys = await kv.list({ limit: 10 });
const amountOfKeys = await kv.count();
`There are ${amountOfKeys} key(s) within the ${kvnamespace} KV namespace, these are the first 10 (or less).
${keys.join(", ")}`,
const client = new Tpy({ token: "PYLON_TOKEN" });
const kvnamespace = "NAMESPACE";
const kv = client.KV(
await client.getDeploymentIDfromGuild("GUILD_ID"),
const key = "cool_lang";
console.log(`Value of key "${key}":`, await kv.get(key));
await kv.put(key, "rust");
console.log(`Value of key "${key}":`, await kv.get(key));
await kv.delete(key);
console.log(`Value of key "${key}":`, await kv.get(key));
// This is NOT an atomic mutation.
const client = new Tpy({ token: "PYLON_TOKEN" });
const kvnamespace = "NAMESPACE";
const kv = client.KV(
await client.getDeploymentIDfromGuild("GUILD_ID"),
const upto = 10;
for (let i = 0; i < upto; i++) {
await kv.transact("counter", (p) => {
p ||= 0;
return p;
If you'd like to contribute, please read the contributing guide before you start working. You can start a pre-setup remote workspace immediately by opening the project in Gitpod.
Pylon is a copyright (c) of Uplol Inc., all rights reserved to Uplol.
Tpy is licensed under the MIT License.