
Demo example of QSP platfrom developed with Heta and qs3p-js

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT

Heta project GH Build Build and Share gh-pages gh-pages GitHub license


This is part of heta-lang project.

This repository is a demo example of QSP platfrom developed with Heta compiler.

Continuous integration solutions

The repository includes the example of settings for CI/CD. See files: .github/workflows/build.yml, .github/workflows/build-and-share.yml for GH Actions, .travis.yml for Travis, appveyor.yml for Appveyor.

The result of integration can be found on GitHub Pages https://insysbio.github.io/heta-case-mini/

Short description of CI/CD steps for GH Actions: linux, osx, windows

  • Heta compiler installation
  • platform bulding: generation of export files
  • mrgsolve installation
  • running R scripts to generate plots (only for master branch and linux)
  • sending files to gh-pages (only for master branch and linux)

Directory structure

/src : Source files. Main folder for storing modeling and data files.

/src/index.heta : Platform content in Heta syntax.

/platform.json : main platform settings.

/R : files to store .R code for creating diagnostic plot.

/static : files required for creation github pages.

/.travis.yml : settings for CI/CD in https://travis-ci.org/ (currently not used)

/appveyor.yml : settings for CI/CD in https://www.appveyor.com/ (currently not used)

There is a set of directories generated dynamically but not syncronized with master: dist, meta.