
WarBend: a Python library to read and write Mount & Blade: Warband saved games

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


What is WarBend?

WarBend is a Python 2.7 package that lets you load Mount & Blade: Warband saves, inspect them, change them, and write them back to disk. It can also export saves as XML, and re-import it back, allowing tools such as XSLT to be used to perform batch updates.

I just want to edit a save! Where's my GUI?

You should probably take a look at WarBender.

What can WarBend do?

It gives full access to all the data stored in a savegame file - every single byte of it. In addition, it provides various convenience features to make that data easy to explore and change programmatically as needed. Here's a simple example to demonstrate what is possible:

from warbend.game.mount_and_blade.native import *
game = load('sg00.sav')

player = game.troops['player']
companions = game.troops['companions']
lords = game.troops['lords']
kings = game.troops['kings']

# All companions ...
for troop in companions:
    # ... are very strong.
    troop.attributes['strength'] = 20
    # ... have maxed-out skills.
    troop.skills[:] = [10] * len(troop.skills)
    # ... have a masterwork long arming sword.
    troop.equipped_items['item_1'].item_kind_id = ID_items.itm_sword_medieval_d_long
    troop.equipped_items['item_1'].modifiers = module_items.imod_masterwork

# All lords ...
for troop in lords:
    # ... have upstanding personality.
    troop.slots['lord_reputation_type'] = module_constants.lrep_upstanding
    # ... love the player.
    troop.slots['troop_player_relation'] = 100
    # ... hate all kings.
    for other in kings:
        troop.slots[other] = -100

save(game, 'sg01.sav')

Look at samples for more.

What does it need to run?

How to run it?

Since it's a library, it cannot be run directly. However, there are some sample scripts provided to get you started. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Back up all your savegames, in case something goes wrong. Do not skip this step!

  2. Download the source code for the package, either using Git, or directly as a .zip archive.

  3. Download the module system from the link above, then unpack it into the modules\Native folder. The resulting directory structure should look like this, where README.md is this file:

     ├─📂 modules
     ⏐  └─📂 Native
     ⏐     ├─📁 Module_data 1.171
     ⏐     └─📁 Module_system 1.171
     ├─📁 samples
     ├─📁 warbend
     └─📄 README.md
  4. Edit samples\cheat.cmd. At the minimum, you will need to set the input and the output file names. By default, it will read from sg00.sav (the first save slot) in the usual M&B savegame directory under Documents, and write the result to sg08.sav (the last save slot) in the same directory.


  5. Edit samples\cheat.py to your taste.

  6. Run samples\cheat.cmd.

  7. Wait for it to complete (it will take about a minute). If you don't see any errors, load the save from the last save slot and enjoy!