
A basic project template for using Watcom C/C++ tools with Visual Studio Code

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

Open Watcom template project

This project aims to keep a simple project folder for Watcom C/C++ so that programmers can focus more on their code in a more modern environment than the IDE provided in Watcom.




This project contains a number of files designed to simplify the workflow when working with C and C++ for Watcom. The build.ps1 file takes all source files in the src directory and compiles and links them. watcom-vscode.code-workspace is the default project settings, which adds build.ps1 to the Build Task in vscode (default: ctrl+shift+B). The .vscode directory contains some default settings for C and C++. It will assume C89 and C++98, as those are (at best) what the Watcom C and C++ compilers support. This file also contains the default Watcom directory for the includes, so if another platform than windows is to be supported, it needs to be updated here as well. A define for far is added here as well to remove annoying vscode squiggles under the far keywords.


  • Only designed for simple projects
  • All C and C++ files in src will be built by default


src : this is where you'll place your own source files
obj : object files output by the Watcom compilers
bin : output from the Watcom linker
assets : place graphics and any related assets in this directory
build.ps1 : compiles and links all C/C++ files placed in src directory


The IDE for OpenWatcom is old and not very user friendly. This solution provides something that is supposed to work out-of-the-box for "typical" Watcom scenarios. This was made to suit my own needs; primarily writing code for 16-bit and 32-bit DOS in a modern environment without having to deal with Watcom IDE projects.

Future improvements

  • Auto-detect Watcom installation
  • Platform targets and compiler optimization flags
  • Post-build actions

How to use

In the PowerShell commandline, go to a project directory and type the following :

Invoke-WebRequest "https://github.com/intbeam/watcom-vscode/tarball/main" -OutFile "./watcom-vscode.tar" && tar.exe -xf "./watcom-vscode.tar" && Remove-Item "./watcom-vscode.tar"

This should create a directory named watcom-vscode that you can rename to your own needs.

You can also clone the repository and then manually remove the .git directory.

On Linux

Open a terminal and install the required prerequisite tools:

sudo snap install powershell --classic
sudo snap install code --classic
wget https://github.com/open-watcom/open-watcom-v2/releases/download/Current-build/open-watcom-2_0-c-linux-x64
sudo chmod +x ./open-watcom-2_0-c-linux-x64
sudo ./open-watcom-2_0-c-linux-x64

Follow the install instructions for Open Watcom, install in default location (which should be /usr/bin/watcom) and remember to select 16-bit compilers.


wget -c https://github.com/intbeam/watcom-vscode/tarball/main -O ./watcom-vscode.tar && tar -xf ./watcom-vscode.tar && rm ./watcom-vscode.tar
